peig Psuedospectrum using the eigenvector method. Calling Sequence [S,w] = peig(x,p) [S,w] = peig(x,p,w) [S,w] = peig(x,p,nfft) [S,w] = peig(x,p,nfft,fs) [S,w] = peig(x,p,f,fs) [S,f] = peig(...,'corr') [S,f] = peig(x,p,nfft,fs,nwin,noverlap) [...] = peig(...,freqrange) [...,v,e] = peig(...) Parameters: x - int|double - vector|matrix Input signal. In case of a matrix, each row of x represents a seperate observation of the signal. If 'corr' flag is specified, then x is the correlation matrix. If w is not specified in the input, it is determined by the algorithm. If x is real valued, then range of w is [0, pi]. Otherwise, the range of w is [0, 2pi) p - int|double - scalar|vector p(1) is the dimension of the signal subspace p(2), if specified, represents a threshold that is multiplied by the smallest estimated eigenvalue of the signal's correlation matrix. w - int|double - vector w is the vector of normalized frequencies over which the pseuspectrogram is to be computed. nfft - int - scalar (Default = 256) Length of the fft used to compute pseudospectrum. The length of S (and hence w/f) depends on the type of values in x and nfft. If x is real, length of s is (nfft/2 + 1) {Range of w = [0, pi]} if nfft is even and (nfft+1)/2 {Range of w = [0, pi)} otherwise. If x is complex, length of s is nfft. fs - int|double - scalar (Default = 1) Sampling rate. Used to convert the normalized frequencies (w) to actual values (f) and vice-versa. nwin - int|double - scalar (int only)|vector (Default = 2*p(1)) If nwin is scalar, it is the length of the rectangular window. Otherwise, the vector input is considered as the window coefficients. Not used if 'corr' flag present. If x is a vector, windowing not done in nwin in scalar. If x is a matrix, noverlap - int - scalar (Default = nwin-1) number of points by which successive windows overlap. noverlap not used if x is a matrix freqrange - string The range of frequencies over which the pseudospetrogram is computed. Three possible values - 'onesided', 'twosided', 'centered' 'corr' flag Presence indicates that the primary input x is actually a correlation matrix Examples: 1. fs = 100; t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; s = 2*sin(2*%pi*25*t)+sin(2*%pi*35*t)+rand(1,100,"normal"); [S,w]=peig(s,2,512,fs,'half'); plot(w,S); OUTPUT: gives the plot of power vs normalised frequencies //2. fs = 100; t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; s = 2*sin(2*%pi*25*t)+sin(2*%pi*35*t); [S,w]=peig(s,2,512,fs,'half'); plot(w,S);