Modulates signal according to the modulation method
Calling Sequence
Returns the modulated vector y and the time vector 't'
Modulation is performed according to the following table
'am', Amplitude modulation, double side-band, suppressed carrier
'amdsb-sc' opt not used. This is the default method.
'amdsb-tc' Amplitude modulation, double side-band, transmitted carrier
opt is a scalar subtracted from x before multiplying x
with the carrier wave. It defaults to min(min(x)) so that
the input signal after offset is always non-negative
'amssb' Amplitude modulation, single side-band
OPT not used.
'fm' Frequency modulation
opt is the constant of frequency modulation.
opt = (fc/fs)*2*pi/max(max(abs(x))) by default
'pm' Phase modulation
OPT is the constant of phase modulation.
opt = pi/max(max(abs(x))) by default
Phase lies between -pi and +pi
'pwm' Pulse width modulation
opt='left' corresponds to left justified pulses.
opt='centered' correspondes to centered pulses.
The default value of opt is 'left'.
'ppm' Pulse position modulation
opt is a scalar between 0 and 1 which specifies the pulse
width in fractions of the carrier period with default value 0.1.
'qam' Quadrature amplitude modulation
opt is a matrix of the same size as X which is modulated in
quadrature with x.
If x is a matrix, its columns are modulated.
y =
1. 1. 0. 0.
Ankur Mallick