Impulse response length
Calling Sequence
len = impzlength(b, a, tol)
returns the impulse response length for the causal discrete-time filter
with the transfer function coefficients for numerator and denominator in
b and a respectively. For stable IIR filters, len is the effective length
impulse response length, i.e. the length after which the response is
essentially zero
len = impzlength(sos)
returns the impulse response length of the filter specified by second
order sections matrix. sos is a Kx6 matrix, where K is the number of
sections. Each row of the sos matrix corresponds to a second order
biquad filter
len = impzlength(__, tol)
specifies a tolerance for estimating the effective impulse response
length in case of an IIR filter. By default, tol is 5e-5. Increasing tol
leads to shorter len and vice-versa