// Copyright (C) 2015 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE // // This file must be used under the terms of the BSD. // This source file is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which // you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms // are also available at // https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause // Author: Shamika Mohanan // Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay // Email: toolbox@scilab.in mprintf("Start FOSSEE Scilab-Octave Interface Toolbox\n"); [a, opt] = getversion(); Version = opt(2); etc_tlbx = get_absolute_file_path("FOSSEE_Scilab_Octave_Interface_Toolbox.start"); etc_tlbx = getshortpathname(etc_tlbx); root_tlbx = strncpy( etc_tlbx, length(etc_tlbx)-length("\etc\") ); //Load functions library // ============================================================================= mprintf("\tLoad macros\n"); pathmacros = pathconvert( root_tlbx ) + "macros" + filesep(); fsoit_lib = lib(pathmacros); clear pathmacros; // load gateways // ============================================================================= mprintf("\tLoad gateways\n"); [a, opt] = getversion(); Version = opt(2); ilib_verbose(0); if getos()=="Windows" then // lib_path = root_tlbx + "/thirdparty/windows/bin/" + Version;*/ // link(lib_path+filesep()+"IpOptFSS.dll");*/ // link(lib_path+filesep()+"IpOpt-vc10.dll");*/ else lib_path = root_tlbx + "/thirdparty/linux/lib/"+Version+"/octave/4.0.1"; link(lib_path + "/libamd.so"); link(lib_path + "/libcamd.so"); link(lib_path + "/libccolamd.so"); link(lib_path + "/libcolamd.so"); link(lib_path + "/libcholmod.so"); link(lib_path + "/libumfpack.so"); link(lib_path + "/libcxsparse.so"); link(lib_path + "/libhdf5.so"); link(lib_path + "/libqrupdate.so"); link(lib_path + "/liboctave.so"); link(lib_path + "/liboctinterp.so"); end exec(pathconvert(root_tlbx + filesep() + "sci_gateway" + filesep() + "loader_gateway.sce",%f)); // Load and add help chapter // ============================================================================= if ( %t ) then if or(getscilabmode() == ["NW";"STD"]) then mprintf("\tLoad help\n"); path_addchapter = pathconvert(root_tlbx+"/jar"); if ( isdir(path_addchapter) <> [] ) then add_help_chapter("FOSSEE_Scilab_Octave_Interface_Toolbox", path_addchapter, %F); clear add_help_chapter; end clear path_addchapter; end end // add demos // ============================================================================= if ( %t ) then if or(getscilabmode() == ["NW";"STD"]) then mprintf("\tLoad demos\n"); // pathdemos = pathconvert(root_tlbx+"/demos/sci_FOSSEE_Scilab_Octave_Interface_Toolbox.dem.gateway.sce",%f,%t);*/ // add_demo("FOSSEE_Scilab_Octave_Interface_Toolbox",pathdemos);*/ // clear pathdemos ;*/ end end // ============================================================================= clear etc_tlbx root_tlbx Version a opt lib_path;