path: root/macros/zplane.sci
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1 files changed, 135 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/macros/zplane.sci b/macros/zplane.sci
index bfa9285..696fef0 100644
--- a/macros/zplane.sci
+++ b/macros/zplane.sci
@@ -1,16 +1,137 @@
-function [y] = zplane(z,p)
-rhs = argn(2)
-if(rhs<1 | rhs>2)
-error("Wrong number of input arguments.")
- select(rhs)
- case 1 then
- callOctave("zplane",z)
- case 2 then
- callOctave("zplane",z,p)
- end
+//Pole-Zero plot for Discrete time systems
+//Calling Sequence
+//z: vector containing numerator coefficients
+//p: vector containing denumerator coefficients
+//This function gives pole zero plote of discrete time systems
+//Example :
+//zplane([1 2 3],[4 5 6])
+//Output :
+//Output is pole zero plot of respective discrete time system.
+//______________________________________version1 code (not working)_________________________________
+//function [y] = zplane(z,p)
+//rhs = argn(2)
+//if(rhs<1 | rhs>2)
+//error("Wrong number of input arguments.")
+// select(rhs)
+// case 1 then
+// callOctave("zplane",z)
+// case 2 then
+// callOctave("zplane",z,p)
+// end
+//______________________________________________version2 code ( working)____________________________
+function zplane(z,varargin)
+ funcprot(0);
+ [nargout nargin] = argn();
+ if nargin == 1 then
+ p = [];
+ else
+ p = varargin(1);
+ end
+[rows_z columns_z] = size(z);
+[rows_p columns_p] = size(p);
+ if (nargin < 1 | nargin > 2)
+ error("Invalid inputs")
+ end
+ if columns_z>1 | columns_p>1
+ if rows_z>1 | rows_p>1
+// ## matrix form: columns are already zeros/poles
+ else
+// ## z -> b
+// ## p -> a
+ if isempty(z), z=1; end
+ if isempty(p), p=1; end
+ M = length(z) - 1;
+ N = length(p) - 1;
+ z = [ roots(z); zeros(N - M, 1) ];
+ p = [ roots(p); zeros(M - N, 1) ];
+ end
+ end
+ xmin = min([-1; real(z(:)); real(p(:))]);
+ xmax = max([ 1; real(z(:)); real(p(:))]);
+ ymin = min([-1; imag(z(:)); imag(p(:))]);
+ ymax = max([ 1; imag(z(:)); imag(p(:))]);
+ xfluff = max([0.05*(xmax-xmin), (1.05*(ymax-ymin)-(xmax-xmin))/10]);
+ yfluff = max([0.05*(ymax-ymin), (1.05*(xmax-xmin)-(ymax-ymin))/10]);
+ xmin = xmin - xfluff;
+ xmax = xmax + xfluff;
+ ymin = ymin - yfluff;
+ ymax = ymax + yfluff;
+// text();
+// plot_with_labels(z, "o");
+// plot_with_labels(p, "x");
+// refresh;
+ r = exp(2*%i*%pi*[0:100]/100);
+ plot(real(r), imag(r),'k'); //hold on;
+// axis equal;
+// grid on;
+ xgrid ;
+ mtlb_axis(1.05*[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]);
+ if (~isempty(p))
+ h = plot(real(p), imag(p), "bx");
+ //set (h, 'MarkerSize', 7);
+ end
+ if (~isempty(z))
+ h = plot(real(z), imag(z), "bo");
+ //set (h, 'MarkerSize', 7);
+ end
+ legend('unit circle','poles','zeros');
+// hold off;
+//function plot_with_labels(x, symbol)
+// [rows_x columns_x] = size(x);
+// if ( ~isempty(x) )
+// x_u = unique(x(:));
+// for i = 1:length(x_u)
+// n = sum(x_u(i) == x(:));
+// if (n > 1)
+// xstring(real(x_u(i)), imag(x_u(i)), [" " msprintf('string', n)]);
+// end
+// end
+// col = "rgbcmy";
+// for c = 1:columns_x
+// plot(real( x(:,c) ), imag( x(:,c) ), [col(pmodulo(c,6)),symbol ";;"]);
+// end
+// end