path: root/macros/detrend1.sci
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/macros/detrend1.sci b/macros/detrend1.sci
index 52ac26f..29b0201 100644
--- a/macros/detrend1.sci
+++ b/macros/detrend1.sci
@@ -1,23 +1,72 @@
-function y = detrend1(x, varargin)
-//This function removes the best fit of a polynomial of order P from the data X
-//Calling Sequence
-//X: Input vecor or matrix.
-//P: The order of polnomial
-//If X is a vector, 'detrend1(X, P)' removes the best fit of apolynomial of order P from the data X.If X is a matrix, 'detrend1(X, P)' does the same for each column in X.
-//The second argument P is optional. If it is not specified, a value of 1 is assumed. This corresponds to removing a linear trend.
-//The order of the polynomial can also be given as a string, in which case P must be either "constant" (corresponds to 'P=0') or "linear"(corresponds to 'P=1')
- rhs= argn(2);
- if(rhs<1 | rhs> 2)
- error("Wrong number of input arguments");
- end
- select(rhs)
- case 1 then
- y= callOctave("detrend", x);
- case 2 then
- y= callOctave("detrend", x , varargin(1));
- end
+function y = detrend1 (x, p)
+//Remove the best fit of a polynomial of order p from the data x.
+//Calling Sequence:
+//x: Input vecor or matrix
+//p: The order of polnomial
+//If X is a vector, 'detrend1(X, P)' removes the best fit of apolynomial of order P from the data X.
+//If X is a matrix, 'detrend1(X, P)' does the same for each column in X.
+//The second argument p is optional. If it is not specified, a value of 1 is assumed. This corresponds to removing a linear trend.
+//The order of the polynomial can also be given as a string, in which case p must be either "constant" (corresponds to 'P=0') or "linear" (corresponds to 'P=1')
+//detrend1([1, 6, 9])
+//ans = [ -0.3333, 0.6667, -0.3333]
+ funcprot(0);
+ rhs = argn(2);
+ if (rhs < 1 | rhs > 2)
+ error("detrend1: wrong number of input arguments");
+ end
+ if (rhs == 1)
+ p = 1;
+ end
+ if (~or(type(x)==[1 5 8]) | ndims (x) > 2)
+ error ("detrend1: X must be a numeric vector or matrix");
+ end
+ if (type(p) == 10 & ~strcmp(p, "constant", 'i'))
+ p = 0;
+ elseif (type(p) == 10 & ~strcmp(p, "linear", 'i'))
+ p = 1;
+ elseif (~isscalar(p) | p < 0 | p ~= fix (p))
+ error ("detrend1: P must be constant, linear, or a positive integer");
+ end
+ [m, n] = size (x);
+ if (m == 1)
+ x = x.';
+ end
+ r = size(x, 'r');
+ b = ((1 : r).' * ones (1, p + 1)) .^ (ones (r, 1) * (0 : p));
+ y = x - b * (b \ x);
+ if (m == 1)
+ y = y.';
+ end
+//input validation:
+//assert_checkerror("detrend1()", "detrend1: wrong number of input arguments");
+//a = "string";
+//assert_checkerror("detrend1(a)", "detrend1: X must be a numeric vector or matrix");
+//assert_checkerror("detrend1(%T)", "detrend1: X must be a numeric vector or matrix");
+//assert_checkerror("detrend1(1, -1)", "detrend1: P must be constant, linear, or a positive integer");
+//assert_checkerror("detrend1(1, 1.25)", "detrend1: P must be constant, linear, or a positive integer");
+//N = 32;
+//x = (0:1:N-1)/N + 2;
+//y = detrend1(x);
+//assert_checktrue(abs (y(:)) < 20*%eps);
+//assert_checkequal(detrend1([2, 5, 8]), detrend1([2. 5, 8], "linear"));
+//assert_checkequal(detrend1([2, 5, 8], 0), detrend1([2. 5, 8], "constant"));
+//assert_checkalmostequal(detrend1([1; 6; 9], "constant"), [-4.33333; 0.66666; 3.66666], 5*10^-5);
+//assert_checkalmostequal(detrend1([5, 12, 14; 8, 16, 14; 5, 10, 12]), [-1, -1.6666, -0.3333; 2, 3.3333, 0.6666; -1, -1.6666, -0.3333], 5*10^-4);
+//assert_checkalmostequal(detrend1([-5-5*%i; 2+%i; -4+3*%i], "linear"), [-2.1667-0.6667*%i; 4.3333+1.3333*%i; -2.1667-0.6667*%i], 5*10^-4);
+//assert_checkalmostequal(detrend1([5*%i, 1+2*%i,; -8, -1-6*%i], 0), [4+2.5*%i, 1+4*%i; -4-2.5*%i, -1-4*%i], 5*10^-4);