/* $Id: ClpDynamicMatrix.hpp 1755 2011-06-28 18:24:31Z lou $ */
// Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
#ifndef ClpDynamicMatrix_H
#define ClpDynamicMatrix_H
#include "CoinPragma.hpp"
#include "ClpPackedMatrix.hpp"
class ClpSimplex;
/** This implements a dynamic matrix when we have a limit on the number of
"interesting rows". This version inherits from ClpPackedMatrix and knows that
the real matrix is gub. A later version could use shortest path to generate columns.
class ClpDynamicMatrix : public ClpPackedMatrix {
/// enums for status of various sorts
enum DynamicStatus {
soloKey = 0x00,
inSmall = 0x01,
atUpperBound = 0x02,
atLowerBound = 0x03
/**@name Main functions provided */
/// Partial pricing
virtual void partialPricing(ClpSimplex * model, double start, double end,
int & bestSequence, int & numberWanted);
update information for a pivot (and effective rhs)
virtual int updatePivot(ClpSimplex * model, double oldInValue, double oldOutValue);
/** Returns effective RHS offset if it is being used. This is used for long problems
or big dynamic or anywhere where going through full columns is
expensive. This may re-compute */
virtual double * rhsOffset(ClpSimplex * model, bool forceRefresh = false,
bool check = false);
using ClpPackedMatrix::times ;
/** Return y + A * scalar *x
in y
@pre x
must be of size numColumns()
@pre y
must be of size numRows()
virtual void times(double scalar,
const double * x, double * y) const;
/// Modifies rhs offset
void modifyOffset(int sequence, double amount);
/// Gets key value when none in small
double keyValue(int iSet) const;
mode=0 - Set up before "updateTranspose" and "transposeTimes" for duals using extended
updates array (and may use other if dual values pass)
mode=1 - Update dual solution after "transposeTimes" using extended rows.
mode=2 - Compute all djs and compute key dual infeasibilities
mode=3 - Report on key dual infeasibilities
mode=4 - Modify before updateTranspose in partial pricing
virtual void dualExpanded(ClpSimplex * model, CoinIndexedVector * array,
double * other, int mode);
mode=0 - Create list of non-key basics in pivotVariable_ using
number as numberBasic in and out
mode=1 - Set all key variables as basic
mode=2 - return number extra rows needed, number gives maximum number basic
mode=3 - before replaceColumn
mode=4 - return 1 if can do primal, 2 if dual, 3 if both
mode=5 - save any status stuff (when in good state)
mode=6 - restore status stuff
mode=7 - flag given variable (normally sequenceIn)
mode=8 - unflag all variables
mode=9 - synchronize costs
mode=10 - return 1 if there may be changing bounds on variable (column generation)
mode=11 - make sure set is clean (used when a variable rejected - but not flagged)
mode=12 - after factorize but before permute stuff
mode=13 - at end of simplex to delete stuff
virtual int generalExpanded(ClpSimplex * model, int mode, int & number);
/** Purely for column generation and similar ideas. Allows
matrix and any bounds or costs to be updated (sensibly).
Returns non-zero if any changes.
virtual int refresh(ClpSimplex * model);
/** Creates a variable. This is called after partial pricing and will modify matrix.
Will update bestSequence.
virtual void createVariable(ClpSimplex * model, int & bestSequence);
/// Returns reduced cost of a variable
virtual double reducedCost( ClpSimplex * model, int sequence) const;
/// Does gub crash
void gubCrash();
/// Writes out model (without names)
void writeMps(const char * name);
/// Populates initial matrix from dynamic status
void initialProblem();
/** Adds in a column to gub structure (called from descendant) and returns sequence */
int addColumn(int numberEntries, const int * row, const double * element,
double cost, double lower, double upper, int iSet,
DynamicStatus status);
/** If addColumn forces compression then this allows descendant to know what to do.
If >=0 then entry stayed in, if -1 then entry went out to lower bound.of zero.
Entries at upper bound (really nonzero) never go out (at present).
virtual void packDown(const int * , int ) {}
/// Gets lower bound (to simplify coding)
inline double columnLower(int sequence) const {
if (columnLower_) return columnLower_[sequence];
else return 0.0;
/// Gets upper bound (to simplify coding)
inline double columnUpper(int sequence) const {
if (columnUpper_) return columnUpper_[sequence];
else return COIN_DBL_MAX;
/**@name Constructors, destructor */
/** Default constructor. */
/** This is the real constructor.
It assumes factorization frequency will not be changed.
This resizes model !!!!
The contents of original matrix in model will be taken over and original matrix
will be sanitized so can be deleted (to avoid a very small memory leak)
ClpDynamicMatrix(ClpSimplex * model, int numberSets,
int numberColumns, const int * starts,
const double * lower, const double * upper,
const CoinBigIndex * startColumn, const int * row,
const double * element, const double * cost,
const double * columnLower = NULL, const double * columnUpper = NULL,
const unsigned char * status = NULL,
const unsigned char * dynamicStatus = NULL);
/** Destructor */
virtual ~ClpDynamicMatrix();
/**@name Copy method */
/** The copy constructor. */
ClpDynamicMatrix(const ClpDynamicMatrix&);
/** The copy constructor from an CoinPackedMatrix. */
ClpDynamicMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix&);
ClpDynamicMatrix& operator=(const ClpDynamicMatrix&);
/// Clone
virtual ClpMatrixBase * clone() const ;
/**@name gets and sets */
/// Status of row slacks
inline ClpSimplex::Status getStatus(int sequence) const {
return static_cast (status_[sequence] & 7);
inline void setStatus(int sequence, ClpSimplex::Status status) {
unsigned char & st_byte = status_[sequence];
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte & ~7);
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte | status);
/// Whether flagged slack
inline bool flaggedSlack(int i) const {
return (status_[i] & 8) != 0;
inline void setFlaggedSlack(int i) {
status_[i] = static_cast(status_[i] | 8);
inline void unsetFlaggedSlack(int i) {
status_[i] = static_cast(status_[i] & ~8);
/// Number of sets (dynamic rows)
inline int numberSets() const {
return numberSets_;
/// Number of possible gub variables
inline int numberGubEntries() const
{ return startSet_[numberSets_];}
/// Sets
inline int * startSets() const
{ return startSet_;}
/// Whether flagged
inline bool flagged(int i) const {
return (dynamicStatus_[i] & 8) != 0;
inline void setFlagged(int i) {
dynamicStatus_[i] = static_cast(dynamicStatus_[i] | 8);
inline void unsetFlagged(int i) {
dynamicStatus_[i] = static_cast(dynamicStatus_[i] & ~8);
inline void setDynamicStatus(int sequence, DynamicStatus status) {
unsigned char & st_byte = dynamicStatus_[sequence];
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte & ~7);
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte | status);
inline DynamicStatus getDynamicStatus(int sequence) const {
return static_cast (dynamicStatus_[sequence] & 7);
/// Saved value of objective offset
inline double objectiveOffset() const {
return objectiveOffset_;
/// Starts of each column
inline CoinBigIndex * startColumn() const {
return startColumn_;
/// rows
inline int * row() const {
return row_;
/// elements
inline double * element() const {
return element_;
/// costs
inline double * cost() const {
return cost_;
/// ids of active columns (just index here)
inline int * id() const {
return id_;
/// Optional lower bounds on columns
inline double * columnLower() const {
return columnLower_;
/// Optional upper bounds on columns
inline double * columnUpper() const {
return columnUpper_;
/// Lower bounds on sets
inline double * lowerSet() const {
return lowerSet_;
/// Upper bounds on sets
inline double * upperSet() const {
return upperSet_;
/// size
inline int numberGubColumns() const {
return numberGubColumns_;
/// first free
inline int firstAvailable() const {
return firstAvailable_;
/// first dynamic
inline int firstDynamic() const {
return firstDynamic_;
/// number of columns in dynamic model
inline int lastDynamic() const {
return lastDynamic_;
/// number of rows in original model
inline int numberStaticRows() const {
return numberStaticRows_;
/// size of working matrix (max)
inline int numberElements() const {
return numberElements_;
inline int * keyVariable() const {
return keyVariable_;
/// Switches off dj checking each factorization (for BIG models)
void switchOffCheck();
/// Status region for gub slacks
inline unsigned char * gubRowStatus() const {
return status_;
/// Status region for gub variables
inline unsigned char * dynamicStatus() const {
return dynamicStatus_;
/// Returns which set a variable is in
int whichSet (int sequence) const;
/**@name Data members
The data members are protected to allow access for derived classes. */
/// Sum of dual infeasibilities
double sumDualInfeasibilities_;
/// Sum of primal infeasibilities
double sumPrimalInfeasibilities_;
/// Sum of Dual infeasibilities using tolerance based on error in duals
double sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities_;
/// Sum of Primal infeasibilities using tolerance based on error in primals
double sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities_;
/// Saved best dual on gub row in pricing
double savedBestGubDual_;
/// Saved best set in pricing
int savedBestSet_;
/// Backward pointer to pivot row !!!
int * backToPivotRow_;
/// Key variable of set (only accurate if none in small problem)
mutable int * keyVariable_;
/// Backward pointer to extra row
int * toIndex_;
// Reverse pointer from index to set
int * fromIndex_;
/// Number of sets (dynamic rows)
int numberSets_;
/// Number of active sets
int numberActiveSets_;
/// Saved value of objective offset
double objectiveOffset_;
/// Lower bounds on sets
double * lowerSet_;
/// Upper bounds on sets
double * upperSet_;
/// Status of slack on set
unsigned char * status_;
/// Pointer back to model
ClpSimplex * model_;
/// first free
int firstAvailable_;
/// first free when iteration started
int firstAvailableBefore_;
/// first dynamic
int firstDynamic_;
/// number of columns in dynamic model
int lastDynamic_;
/// number of rows in original model
int numberStaticRows_;
/// size of working matrix (max)
int numberElements_;
/// Number of dual infeasibilities
int numberDualInfeasibilities_;
/// Number of primal infeasibilities
int numberPrimalInfeasibilities_;
/** If pricing will declare victory (i.e. no check every factorization).
-1 - always check
0 - don't check
1 - in don't check mode but looks optimal
int noCheck_;
/// Infeasibility weight when last full pass done
double infeasibilityWeight_;
/// size
int numberGubColumns_;
/// current maximum number of columns (then compress)
int maximumGubColumns_;
/// current maximum number of elemnts (then compress)
int maximumElements_;
/// Start of each set
int * startSet_;
/// next in chain
int * next_;
/// Starts of each column
CoinBigIndex * startColumn_;
/// rows
int * row_;
/// elements
double * element_;
/// costs
double * cost_;
/// ids of active columns (just index here)
int * id_;
/// for status and which bound
unsigned char * dynamicStatus_;
/// Optional lower bounds on columns
double * columnLower_;
/// Optional upper bounds on columns
double * columnUpper_;