// Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 International Business Machines and others. // All Rights Reserved. // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License. // // $Id: IpIpoptApplication.hpp 2398 2013-10-19 18:08:59Z stefan $ // // Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13 #ifndef __IPIPOPTAPPLICATION_HPP__ #define __IPIPOPTAPPLICATION_HPP__ #ifndef IPOPT_EXPORT #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifdef IPOPT_DLL #define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __cdecl #else #define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type __cdecl #endif #else #define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type #endif #endif #include <iostream> #include "IpJournalist.hpp" #include "IpTNLP.hpp" #include "IpNLP.hpp" /* Return codes for the Optimize call for an application */ #include "IpReturnCodes.hpp" namespace Ipopt { DECLARE_STD_EXCEPTION(IPOPT_APPLICATION_ERROR); /* forward declarations */ class IpoptAlgorithm; class IpoptNLP; class IpoptData; class IpoptCalculatedQuantities; class AlgorithmBuilder; class RegisteredOptions; class OptionsList; class SolveStatistics; /** This is the main application class for making calls to Ipopt. */ class IpoptApplication : public ReferencedObject { public: IpoptApplication(bool create_console_out = true, bool create_empty = false); /** Another constructor that assumes that the code in the * (default) constructor has already been executed */ IpoptApplication(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options, SmartPtr<OptionsList> options, SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst); virtual ~IpoptApplication(); /** Method for creating a new IpoptApplication that uses the same * journalist and registered options, and a copy of the options list. */ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> clone(); /** Initialization method. This method reads options from the * input stream and initializes the journalists. It returns * something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option). * You should call one of the initialization methods at some * point before the first optimize call. */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::istream& is); /** Initialization method. This method reads options from the * params file and initializes the journalists. It returns * something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option). * You should call one of the initialization methods at some * point before the first optimize call. * Note: You can skip the processing of a params file by * setting params_file to "". */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::string params_file); /** Initialize method. This method reads the options file specified * by the option_file_name option and initializes the journalists. * You should call this method at some point before the first optimize * call. * It returns something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option). */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(); /**@name Solve methods */ //@{ /** Solve a problem that inherits from TNLP */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp); /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp); /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp, SmartPtr<AlgorithmBuilder>& alg_builder); /** Solve a problem (that inherits from TNLP) for a repeated time. * The OptimizeTNLP method must have been called before. The * TNLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian * and Hessian must be the same). */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp); /** Solve a problem (that inherits from NLP) for a repeated time. * The OptimizeNLP method must have been called before. The * NLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian * and Hessian must be the same). */ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp); //@} /** Method for opening an output file with given print_level. * Returns false if there was a problem. */ virtual bool OpenOutputFile(std::string file_name, EJournalLevel print_level); /**@name Accessor methods */ //@{ /** Get the Journalist for printing output */ virtual SmartPtr<Journalist> Jnlst() { return jnlst_; } /** Get a pointer to RegisteredOptions object to * add new options */ virtual SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> RegOptions() { return reg_options_; } /** Get the options list for setting options */ virtual SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options() { return options_; } /** Get the options list for setting options (const version) */ virtual SmartPtr<const OptionsList> Options() const { return ConstPtr(options_); } /** Get the object with the statistics about the most recent * optimization run. */ virtual SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> Statistics(); /** Get the IpoptNLP Object */ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> IpoptNLPObject(); /** Get the IpoptData Object */ SmartPtr<IpoptData> IpoptDataObject(); /** Get the IpoptCQ Object */ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> IpoptCQObject(); /** Get the Algorithm Object */ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> AlgorithmObject(); //@} /** Method for printing Ipopt copyright message now instead of * just before the optimization. If you want to have the copy * right message printed earlier than by default, call this * method at the convenient time. */ void PrintCopyrightMessage(); /** Method to set whether non-ipopt non-bad_alloc exceptions * are rethrown by Ipopt. * By default, non-Ipopt and non-std::bad_alloc exceptions are * caught by Ipopts initialization and optimization methods * and the status NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown is returned. * This function allows to enable rethrowing of such exceptions. */ void RethrowNonIpoptException(bool dorethrow) { rethrow_nonipoptexception_ = dorethrow; } /** @name Methods for IpoptTypeInfo */ //@{ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions); //@} /** Method to registering all Ipopt options. */ static void RegisterAllIpoptOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions); private: /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling). * These methods are not implemented and * we do not want the compiler to implement * them for us, so we declare them private * and do not define them. This ensures that * they will not be implicitly created/called. */ //@{ /** Default Constructor */ // IpoptApplication(); /** Copy Constructor */ IpoptApplication(const IpoptApplication&); /** Overloaded Equals Operator */ void operator=(const IpoptApplication&); //@} /** Method for the actual optimize call of the Ipopt algorithm. * This is used both for Optimize and ReOptimize */ ApplicationReturnStatus call_optimize(); /**@name Variables that customize the application behavior */ //@{ /** Decide whether or not the ipopt.opt file should be read */ bool read_params_dat_; /** Decide whether non-ipopt non-bad_alloc exceptions should be rethrown */ bool rethrow_nonipoptexception_; //@} /** Journalist for reporting output */ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_; /** RegisteredOptions */ SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options_; /** OptionsList used for the application */ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_; /** Object for storing statistics about the most recent * optimization run. */ SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> statistics_; /** Object with the algorithm sceleton. */ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> alg_; /** IpoptNLP Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a * ReOptimize warm start. */ SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_; /** IpoptData Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a * ReOptimize warm start. */ SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_; /** IpoptCalculatedQuantities Object for the NLP. We keep this * around for a ReOptimize warm start. */ SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq_; /** Pointer to the TNLPAdapter used to convert the TNLP to an NLP. * We keep this around for the ReOptimizerTNLP call. */ SmartPtr<NLP> nlp_adapter_; /** @name Algorithmic parameters */ //@{ /** Flag indicating if we are to use the inexact linear solver option */ bool inexact_algorithm_; /** Flag indicating if all bounds should be replaced by inequality * constraints. This is necessary for the inexact algorithm. */ bool replace_bounds_; //@} }; } // namespace Ipopt extern "C" IPOPT_EXPORT(class Ipopt::IpoptApplication *) IpoptApplicationFactory(); #endif