// (C) Copyright CNRS // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License. // // Authors : // Pierre Bonami, LIF Université de la Méditérannée-CNRS // // Date : 06/18/2008 #ifndef BonFixAndSolveHeuristic_H #define BonFixAndSolveHeuristic_H #include "BonLocalSolverBasedHeuristic.hpp" namespace Bonmin { class FixAndSolveHeuristic:public LocalSolverBasedHeuristic { public: /** Default constructor*/ FixAndSolveHeuristic(); /** Constructor with setup.*/ FixAndSolveHeuristic(BonminSetup * setup); /** Copy constructor.*/ FixAndSolveHeuristic(const FixAndSolveHeuristic &other); /** Virtual constructor.*/ virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const{ return new FixAndSolveHeuristic(*this); } /** Destructor*/ virtual ~FixAndSolveHeuristic(); /** Runs heuristic*/ int solution(double & objectiveValue, double * newSolution); /** Register the options common to all local search based heuristics.*/ static void registerOptions(Ipopt::SmartPtr roptions); /** Initiaize using passed options.*/ void Initialize(Ipopt::SmartPtr options); }; }/* Ends Bonmin namepace.*/ #endif