// An example with equality constraints and variable bounds // A basic case : c = -1*[20,10,15]'; A = [3,2,5; 2,1,1; 1,1,3; 5,2,4] b = [ 55;26;30;57] Aeq = [2 3 5] beq = [5] intcon = []; // Output //Problem loaded into environment. // //Note: There is no limit on time. // //An optimal solution has been found. // output = // // Iterations: 1 // status = // // 227. // f = // // - 233.5 // x = // // 15.6 // 0.1 // - 5.3 // Calling Symphony [x,f,status,output] = symphonymat(c,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq)