function [y,g,h] = f(x) y = -x(1)^2 - x(2)^2; g = [-2*x(1),-2*x(2)]; h = [-2,0;0,-2]; endfunction x0=[1,1,1]; intcon = [1] options = list("gradobj","ON","hessian","on"); // !--error 10000 // intfminunc_options: Expected 3 entries for input argument dy at input #12, but current dimensions are [1 2] instead. // at line 54 of function Checkvector called by : // at line 231 of function intfminunc called by : // [xopt,fopt,exitflag,gradient,hessian]=intfminunc(f,x0,intcon,options) // at line 10 of exec file called by : // exec intfminuc_x03.sce [xopt,fopt,exitflag,gradient,hessian]=intfminunc(f,x0,intcon,options)