//Find x in R^2 such that: // Check if Upper bound and lower bound is entered correctly function y = fun(x) y = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2; endfunction x1 = [0.5,2.1]; x2 = [1,2]; options=list("MaxIter", [1500], "CpuTime", [500],"TolX",[1e-6]); //Error //fminbnd: Difference between Upper Bound and Lower bound should be atleast > 10^-6 for variable number= 2 //at line 242 of function fminbnd called by : //[xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = fminbnd (fun, x1, x2, options) [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = fminbnd (fun, x1, x2, options)