c = [-750 -1000]; G = [ 1 1; 1 2; 4 3; ]; h = [10 15 25]'; A = [ 0.5 1 ]; b=[7.5]; l = [3]; q = []; e = [] dims=[3,0,0] [x,y,s,z,info,status] =ecos(c,G,h,dims,A,b); // !--error 10000 // ecos: Expected type ["list"] for input argument dims at input #4, but got "constant" instead. // at line 56 of function Checktype called by : // at line 155 of function ecos called by : // [x,y,s,z,info,status] =ecos(c,G,h,dims,A,b); // at line 17 of exec file called by : // exec ecos_dims1.sce