// Degeneracy // Reference : Example 5-2, The Simplex method and Sensitivity Analysis, Hamdy A. Taha. "Operations Research-An Introduction", 9E(2014)) // Objective function c = [-2,-4]'; // Lower Bound of variable lb = [0,0] // Upper Bound of variables ub = [%inf,%inf] // Constraint Matrix A = [1,2; 1,1] b=[5,4] intcon = [1]; // Calling cbcintlinprog [x,f,status,output] = cbcintlinprog(c,intcon,A,b,[],[],lb,ub) // output = // // relativegap: 0 // absolutegap: 0 // numnodes: 0 // numfeaspoints: 1 // numiterations: 0 // constrviolation: 0 // message: "Optimal Solution" // status = // // 0. // f = // // - 10. // x = // // 0. // 2.5 //