Solves a nonlinearily constrained optimization problem.
x = fmincon(fun,x0) x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b) x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq) x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub) x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon) x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options) [x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = fmincon ( ... )
a function, the function to minimize. See below for the complete specifications.
a nx1 or 1xn matrix of doubles, where n is the number of variables. The initial guess for the optimization algorithm.
a nil x n matrix of doubles, where n is the number of variables and nil is the number of linear inequalities. If A==[] and b==[], it is assumed that there is no linear inequality constraints. If (A==[] & b<>[]), fmincon generates an error (the same happens if (A<>[] & b==[])).
a nil x 1 matrix of doubles, where nil is the number of linear inequalities.
a nel x n matrix of doubles, where n is the number of variables and nel is the number of linear equalities. If A==[] and b==[], it is assumed that there is no linear equality constraints. If (Aeq==[] & beq<>[]), fmincon generates an error (the same happens if (Aeq<>[] & beq==[])).
a nel x 1 matrix of doubles, where nel is the number of linear inequalities.
a nx1 or 1xn matrix of doubles, where n is the number of variables. The lower bound for x. If lb==[], then the lower bound is automatically set to -inf.
a nx1 or 1xn matrix of doubles, where n is the number of variables. The upper bound for x. If lb==[], then the upper bound is automatically set to +inf.
a function, the nonlinear constraints. See below for the complete specifications.
a nx1 matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem
a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x
a 1x1 matrix of floating point integers, the exit status. See below for details.
a struct, the details of the optimization process. See below for details.
a struct, the Lagrange multipliers at optimum. See below for details.
a nx1 matrix of doubles, the gradient of the objective function at optimum
a nxn matrix of doubles, the Hessian of the objective function at optimum
an optional struct, as provided by optimset
Search the minimum of a constrained optimization problem specified by : find the minimum of f(x) such that
c(x)<=0, ceq(x)<=0, A*x<=b, Aeq*x=beq and lb<=x<=ub.
Currently, we use ipopt for the actual solver of fmincon.
See the demonstrations for additionnal examples.
The objective function must have header :
where x is a n x 1 matrix of doubles and f is a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles. On input, the variable x contains the current point and, on output, the variable f must contain the objective function value.By default, fmincon uses finite differences with order 2 formulas and optimum step size in order to compute a numerical gradient of the objective function. If we can provide exact gradients, we should do so since it improves the convergence speed of the optimization algorithm. In order to use exact gradients, we must update the header of the objective function to :
where x is a n x 1 matrix of doubles, f is a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles and G is a n x 1 matrix of doubles. On input, the variable x contains the current point and, on output, the variable f must contain the objective function value and the variable G must contain the gradient of the objective function. Furthermore, we must enable the "GradObj" option with the statement :options = optimset("GradObj","on"); | ![]() | ![]() |
The constraint function must have header :
where x is a n x 1 matrix of doubles, c is a nni x 1 matrix of doubles and ceq is a nne x 1 matrix of doubles (nni : number of nonlinear inequality constraints, nne : number of nonlinear equality constraints). On input, the variable x contains the current point and, on output, the variable c must contain the nonlinear inequality constraints and ceq must contain the nonlinear equality constraints.By default, fmincon uses finite differences with order 2 formulas and optimum step size in order to compute a numerical gradient of the constraint function. In order to use exact gradients, we must update the header of the constraint function to :
where x is a n x 1 matrix of doubles, c is a nni x 1 matrix of doubles, ceq is a nne x 1 matrix of doubles, DC is a n x nni matrix of doubles and DCeq is a n x nne matrix of doubles. On input, the variable x contains the current point and, on output, the variable c must contain the nonlinear inequality constraint function value, the variable ceq must contain the nonlinear equality constraint function value, the variable DC must contain the Jacobian matrix of the nonlinear inequality constraints and the variable DCeq must contain the Jacobian matrix of the nonlinear equality constraints. The i-th nonlinear inequality constraint is associated to the i-th column of the matrix DC, i.e, it is stored in DC(:,i) (same for DCeq). Furthermore, we must enable the "GradObj" option with the statement :options = optimset("GradConstr","on"); | ![]() | ![]() |
By default, fmincon uses a L-BFGS formula to compute an approximation of the Hessian of the Lagrangian. Notice that this is different from Matlab's fmincon, which default is to use a BFGS.
The exitflag variable allows to know the status of the optimization.
The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process. It has type "struct" and contains the following fields.
The lambda data structure contains the Lagrange multipliers at the end of optimization. It has type "struct" and contains the following fields.
TODO : exitflag=2 : Change in x was less than options.TolX and maximum constraint violation was less than options.TolCon. TODO : exitflag=-3 : Current point x went below options.ObjectiveLimit and maximum constraint violation was less than options.TolCon. TODO : fill lambda.lower and lambda.upper consistently. See ticket #111 : TODO : test with A, b TODO : test with Aeq, beq TODO : test with ceq TODO : avoid using global for ipopt_data TODO : implement Display option TODO : implement FinDiffType option TODO : implement MaxFunEvals option TODO : implement DerivativeCheck option TODO : implement MaxIter option TODO : implement OutputFcn option TODO : implement PlotFcns option TODO : implement TolFun option TODO : implement TolCon option TODO : implement TolX option TODO : implement Hessian option TODO : check that the hessian output argument is Hessian of f only TODO : test all exitflag values
// A basic case : // we provide only the objective function and the nonlinear constraint // function : we let fmincon compute the gradients by numerical // derivatives. function f=objfun(x) f = exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2 + 2*x(2)^2 + 4*x(1)*x(2) + 2*x(2) + 1) endfunction function [c, ceq]=confun(x) // Nonlinear inequality constraints c = [ 1.5 + x(1)*x(2) - x(1) - x(2) -x(1)*x(2) - 10 ] // Nonlinear equality constraints ceq = [] endfunction // The initial guess x0 = [-1,1]; // The expected solution : only 4 digits are guaranteed xopt = [-9.547345885974547 1.047408305349257] fopt = 0.023551460139148 // Run fmincon [x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = .. fmincon ( objfun,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[], confun ) | ![]() | ![]() |
// A case where we provide the gradient of the objective // function and the Jacobian matrix of the constraints. // The objective function and its gradient function [f, G]=objfungrad(x) [lhs,rhs]=argn() f = exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2+2*x(2)^2+4*x(1)*x(2)+2*x(2)+1) if ( lhs > 1 ) then G = [ f + exp(x(1)) * (8*x(1) + 4*x(2)) exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)+4*x(2)+2) ] end endfunction // The nonlinear constraints and the Jacobian // matrix of the constraints function [c, ceq, DC, DCeq]=confungrad(x) // Inequality constraints c(1) = 1.5 + x(1) * x(2) - x(1) - x(2) c(2) = -x(1) * x(2)-10 // No nonlinear equality constraints ceq=[] [lhs,rhs]=argn() if ( lhs > 2 ) then // DC(:,i) = gradient of the i-th constraint // DC = [ // Dc1/Dx1 Dc2/Dx1 // Dc1/Dx2 Dc2/Dx2 // ] DC= [ x(2)-1, -x(2) x(1)-1, -x(1) ] DCeq = [] end endfunction // Test with both gradient of objective and gradient of constraints options = optimset("GradObj","on","GradConstr","on"); // The initial guess x0 = [-1,1]; // The expected solution : only 4 digits are guaranteed xopt = [-9.547345885974547 1.047408305349257] fopt = 0.023551460139148 // Run fmincon [x,fval,exitflag,output] = .. fmincon(objfungrad,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[], confungrad,options) | ![]() | ![]() |
// A case where we set the bounds of the optimization. // By default, the bounds are set to infinity. function f=objfun(x) f = exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2 + 2*x(2)^2 + 4*x(1)*x(2) + 2*x(2) + 1) endfunction function [c, ceq]=confun(x) // Nonlinear inequality constraints c = [ 1.5 + x(1)*x(2) - x(1) - x(2) -x(1)*x(2) - 10 ] // Nonlinear equality constraints ceq = [] endfunction // The initial guess x0 = [-1,1]; // The expected solution xopt = [0 1.5] fopt = 8.5 // Make sure that x(1)>=0, and x(2)>=0 lb = [0,0]; ub = [ ]; // Run fmincon [x,fval] = fmincon ( objfun , x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,confun) | ![]() | ![]() |