Symphony Toolbox >> Symphony Toolbox > Symphony Native Functions
Symphony Native Functions
- sym_addConstr — Add a new constraint
- sym_addVar — Add a new variable
- sym_close — Close the Symphony environment
- sym_deleteConstrs — This routine is used to delete rows from the original constraint matrix.
- sym_deleteVars — This routine is used to delete columns from the original problem description.
- sym_getConstrActivity — Get the activity of the constraints in the solution
- sym_getConstrLower — To get the lower bounds of the constraints.
- sym_getConstrRange — To to get the constraint ranges.
- sym_getConstrSense — To get the row senses.
- sym_getConstrUpper — To get the upper bounds of the constraints.
- sym_getDblParam — This routine is used to get the value of a double type parameter.
- sym_getInfinity — Get Symphony's infinity value
- sym_getIntParam — This routine is used to get the value of an integer type parameter.
- sym_getIterCount — To get the number of the analyzed nodes of the branching tree after solving the problem.
- sym_getMatrix — To get the constraint matrix.
- sym_getNumConstr — To get the number of the constraints of the current problem.
- sym_getNumElements — To get the number of non-zero entries of the constraint matrix of the current problem.
- sym_getNumVar — To get the number of the variables of the current problem.
- sym_getObjCoeff — To get the objective vector.
- sym_getObjSense — Get the objective sense
- sym_getObjVal — Get the optimized objective value
- sym_getPrimalBound — Get the primal bound of the problem
- sym_getRhs — To to get the right hand side vector(column vector).
- sym_getStatus — To get status of the problem solver.
- sym_getStrParam — This routine is used to get the value of a string type parameter.
- sym_getVarLower — To get the lower bounds of the variables.
- sym_getVarSoln — Get the solution for the problem
- sym_getVarUpper — To get the upper bounds of the variables.
- sym_isAbandoned — To check whether the problem was abandoned for some reason.
- sym_isBinary — Check if a variable is constrained to be binary
- sym_isContinuous — Check if a variable is continuous
- sym_isEnvActive — Check if Symphony environment is active
- sym_isInfeasible — To check whether the problem was proven to be infeasible.
- sym_isInteger — Check if a variable is constrained to be an integer
- sym_isIterLimitReached — To know whether the iteration limit (node limit) was reached.
- sym_isOptimal — To check whether the problem was solved to optimality.
- sym_isTargetGapAchieved — To know whether the target gap was reached.
- sym_isTimeLimitReached — To know whether the time limit was reached.
- sym_loadMPS — This routine is used to load an instance from an MPS file.
- sym_loadProblem — Load a problem into Symphony
- sym_loadProblemBasic — Load a problem into Symphony (basic version)
- sym_open — Open the Symphony environment
- sym_resetParams — This routine sets all the environment variables and parameters to their default values.
- sym_setConstrLower — Set the lower bound of a constraint
- sym_setConstrType — Set the type of a constraint
- sym_setConstrUpper — Set the upper bound of a constraint
- sym_setContinuous — This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be continuous.
- sym_setDblParam — This routine is used to set a double type parameter.
- sym_setIntParam — This routine is used to set an integer type parameter.
- sym_setInteger — This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be integer.
- sym_setObjCoeff — Set coefficient of a variable in the objective
- sym_setObjSense — Set the objective sense
- sym_setPrimalBound — Set the primal bound of the problem
- sym_setStrParam — This routine is used to set a string type parameter.
- sym_setVarLower — Set lower bound of a variable
- sym_setVarSoln — Set a solution for the problem
- sym_setVarUpper — Set upper bound of a variable
- sym_solve — To solve the currently loaded MILP problem from scratch.