// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
#ifndef CglCutGenerator_H
#define CglCutGenerator_H
#include "OsiCuts.hpp"
#include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
#include "CglTreeInfo.hpp"
// Abstract base class for generating cuts.
/** Cut Generator Base Class
This is an abstract base class for generating cuts. A specific cut
generator will inherit from this class.
class CglCutGenerator {
/**@name Generate Cuts */
/** Generate cuts for the model data contained in si.
The generated cuts are inserted into and returned in the
collection of cuts cs.
virtual void generateCuts( const OsiSolverInterface & si, OsiCuts & cs,
const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo())=0;
/**@name Constructors and destructors */
/// Default constructor
CglCutGenerator ();
/// Copy constructor
CglCutGenerator ( const CglCutGenerator &);
/// Clone
virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const = 0;
/// Assignment operator
CglCutGenerator & operator=(const CglCutGenerator& rhs);
/// Destructor
virtual ~CglCutGenerator ();
/** Create C++ lines to set the generator in the current state.
The output must be parsed by the calling code, as each line
starts with a key indicating the following:
0: must be kept (for #includes etc)
3: Set to changed (not default) values
4: Set to default values (redundant)
Keys 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 are defined, but not applicable to
cut generators.
virtual std::string generateCpp( FILE * ) {return "";}
/// This can be used to refresh any information
virtual void refreshSolver(OsiSolverInterface * ) {}
/**@name Gets and Sets */
Get Aggressiveness - 0 = neutral, 100 is normal root node.
Really just a hint to cut generator
inline int getAggressiveness() const
{ return aggressive_;}
Set Aggressiveness - 0 = neutral, 100 is normal root node.
Really just a hint to cut generator
inline void setAggressiveness(int value)
{ aggressive_=value;}
/// Set whether can do global cuts
inline void setGlobalCuts(bool trueOrFalse)
{ canDoGlobalCuts_ = trueOrFalse;}
/// Say whether can do global cuts
inline bool canDoGlobalCuts() const
{return canDoGlobalCuts_;}
Returns true if may generate Row cuts in tree (rather than root node).
Used so know if matrix will change in tree. Really
meant so column cut generators can still be active
without worrying code.
Default is true
virtual bool mayGenerateRowCutsInTree() const;
/// Return true if needs optimal basis to do cuts
virtual bool needsOptimalBasis() const;
/// Return maximum length of cut in tree
virtual int maximumLengthOfCutInTree() const
{ return COIN_INT_MAX;}
// test this class
//static void unitTest();
// private:
Aggressiveness - 0 = neutral, 100 is normal root node.
Really just a hint to cut generator
int aggressive_;
/// True if can do global cuts i.e. no general integers
bool canDoGlobalCuts_;