// (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007 // // All Rights Reserved. // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License. // // Authors : // Pierre Bonami, Carnegie Mellon University, // // Date : 27/08/2007 #ifndef BonRegisteredOptions_H #define BonRegisteredOptions_H #include "IpRegOptions.hpp" #include "IpException.hpp" #include "CoinError.hpp" #include "IpTypes.hpp" #include /* Forward declaration, the function will be defined in BonAmplTMINLP.cpp, if ASL is available */ namespace Ipopt { class AmplOptionsList; } namespace Bonmin { /** Class to add a few more information to Ipopt::RegisteredOptions. In particular, it allows to store code to indicate in which algorithm option is available. It also allows to table summing up all the options both in LaTex and html.*/ class RegisteredOptions: public Ipopt::RegisteredOptions{ public: enum ExtraOptInfosBits{ validInHybrid=0/** Say that option is valid in Hybrid method (1).*/, validInQG/** Say that option is valid in Quesada Grossmann method (2).*/, validInOA/**Say that option is valid in outer approximation dec (4).*/, validInBBB/** Say that option is valid in the pure branch-and-bound (8).*/, validInEcp/** Say that option is valid in the Ecp (16).*/, validIniFP/** Say that option is valid in the iFP (32).*/, validInCbc/** Say that option is valid when using Cbc_Par (64).*/ }; /* Table of values * only B-Hyb 1 * B-Hyb & B-QG 3 * B-Hyb & B-OA 5 * B-Hyb & B-QG & B-OA & B-ECP 23 */ enum ExtraCategoriesInfo{ BonminCategory = 0/** Option category is for Bonmin.*/, IpoptCategory /** Option category for Ipopt.*/, FilterCategory /** Option category for FilterSqp.*/, BqpdCategory /** Option category for Bqpd.*/, CouenneCategory /** Option category for Couenne.*/, UndocumentedCategory /**For undocumented options.*/ }; /** Standard constructor.*/ RegisteredOptions(): Ipopt::RegisteredOptions(){ } /** Standard destructor.*/ ~RegisteredOptions(){ } //DECLARE_STD_EXCEPTION(OPTION_NOT_REGISTERED); /** Set registering category with extra information.*/ void SetRegisteringCategory (const std::string ®istering_category, const ExtraCategoriesInfo extra){ Ipopt::RegisteredOptions::SetRegisteringCategory(registering_category); categoriesInfos_[registering_category] = extra;} /** throw if option does not exists.*/ inline void optionExists(const std::string & option){ if(!IsValid(GetOption(option))){ std::string msg = "Try to access option: "+option; msg += "\n Option is not registered.\n"; throw CoinError("Bonmin::RegisteredOption","optionExists",msg); } } /**Set extra information for option.*/ inline void setOptionExtraInfo(const std::string & option, int code){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] = code; } /** Set that option is valid for hybrid.*/ inline void optionValidForHybrid(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInHybrid;} /** Set that option is valid for QuesadaGrossmann.*/ inline void optionValidForBQG(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInQG;} /** Set that option is valid for Outer approximation.*/ inline void optionValidForBOA(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInOA;} /** Set that option is valid for pure branch-and-bound.*/ inline void optionValidForBBB(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInBBB;} /** Set that option is valid for B-Ecp.*/ inline void optionValidForBEcp(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInEcp;} /** Set that option is valid for B-iFP.*/ inline void optionValidForBiFP(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validIniFP;} /** Set that option is valid for Cbc.*/ inline void optionValidForCbc(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); bonOptInfos_[option] |= 1 << validInCbc;} /** Say if option is valid for hybrid.*/ inline bool isValidForHybrid(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInHybrid); else return true;} /** Say if option is valid for QuesadaGrossmann.*/ inline bool isValidForBQG(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInQG); else return true;} /** Say if option is valid for Outer approximation.*/ inline bool isValidForBOA(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInOA); return true;} /** Say if option is valid for pure branch-and-bound.*/ inline bool isValidForBBB(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInBBB); return true;} /** Say if option is valid for B-Ecp.*/ inline bool isValidForBEcp(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInEcp); return true;} /** Say if option is valid for B-iFP.*/ inline bool isValidForBiFP(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validIniFP); return true;} /** Say if option is valid for Cbc.*/ inline bool isValidForCbc(const std::string &option){ optionExists(option); std::map::iterator i = bonOptInfos_.find(option); if(i != bonOptInfos_.end()) return (i->second) & (1 << validInCbc); return true;} /** Output Latex table of options.*/ void writeLatexOptionsTable(std::ostream &of, ExtraCategoriesInfo which); /** Output html table of options.*/ void writeHtmlOptionsTable(std::ostream &of, ExtraCategoriesInfo which); /** Output Latex/Html ooptions documentation.*/ void writeLatexHtmlDoc(std::ostream &of, ExtraCategoriesInfo which); /** Ouptut a bonmin.opt file with options default values and short descriptions.*/ void writeBonminOpt(std::ostream &os, ExtraCategoriesInfo which); /** Get info about what a category is taking care of (e.g., Ipopt, Bonmin, FilterSQP,...) .*/ ExtraCategoriesInfo categoriesInfo(const std::string &s) { std::map::iterator i = categoriesInfos_.find(s); if(i == categoriesInfos_.end()) return IpoptCategory; return i->second; } /* Forward declaration, the function will be defined in BonAmplTMINLP.cpp*/ void fillAmplOptionList(ExtraCategoriesInfo which, Ipopt::AmplOptionsList * amplOptList); private: /** Output Latex table of options.*/ void chooseOptions(ExtraCategoriesInfo which, std::list &options); /** Output html table of options.*/ void writeHtmlOptionsTable(std::ostream & os, std::list &options); /** Store extra Informations on Bonmin options.*/ std::map bonOptInfos_; /** Store extra Informations on Registering categories (is bonmin, filterSqp...).*/ std::map categoriesInfos_; }; }/*Ends namespace Bonmin.*/ #endif