// (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007 // All Rights Reserved. // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License. // // Authors : // Pierre Bonami, International Business Machines Corporation // // Date : 04/23/2007 #ifndef BonBabInfos_H #define BonBabInfos_H #include #include "BonAuxInfos.hpp" namespace Bonmin { class Bab; /** Bonmin class for passing info between components of branch-and-cuts.*/ class BabInfo : public Bonmin::AuxInfo { public: /** Default constructor.*/ BabInfo(int type); /** Constructor from OsiBabSolver.*/ BabInfo(const OsiBabSolver &other); /** Copy constructor.*/ BabInfo(const BabInfo &other); /** Destructor.*/ virtual ~BabInfo(); /** Virtual copy constructor.*/ virtual OsiAuxInfo * clone() const; /** Set pointer to the branch-and-bound algorithm (to access CbcModel).*/ void setBabPtr(Bab * babPtr) { babPtr_ = babPtr; } /** Pointer to the branch-and-bound algorithm (to access CbcModel).*/ Bab * babPtr() { return babPtr_; } bool hasSolution() const{ return bestSolution_ != NULL;} protected: /** Pointer to branch-and-bound algorithm.*/ Bab * babPtr_; }; }/* End namespace.*/ #endif