path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/AmplTNLP.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/AmplTNLP.hpp')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/AmplTNLP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/AmplTNLP.hpp
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index 0000000..a8c823a
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+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: AmplTNLP.hpp 2242 2013-04-24 19:26:30Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPAMPLTNLP_HPP__
+#define __IPAMPLTNLP_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+/* non Ipopt forward declaration */
+struct ASL_pfgh;
+struct SufDecl;
+struct SufDesc;
+namespace Ipopt
+ class AmplSuffixHandler : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ AmplSuffixHandler();
+ ~AmplSuffixHandler();
+ enum Suffix_Type
+ {
+ Index_Type,
+ Number_Type
+ };
+ enum Suffix_Source
+ {
+ Variable_Source,
+ Constraint_Source,
+ Objective_Source,
+ Problem_Source
+ };
+ void AddAvailableSuffix(std::string suffix_string, Suffix_Source source, Suffix_Type type)
+ {
+ suffix_ids_.push_back(suffix_string);
+ suffix_types_.push_back(type);
+ suffix_sources_.push_back(source);
+ // suffix_values_.push_back();
+ }
+ const Index* GetIntegerSuffixValues(std::string suffix_string, Suffix_Source source) const;
+ const Number* GetNumberSuffixValues(std::string suffix_string, Suffix_Source source) const;
+ std::vector<Index> GetIntegerSuffixValues(Index n, std::string suffix_string, Suffix_Source source) const;
+ std::vector<Number> GetNumberSuffixValues(Index n, std::string suffix_string, Suffix_Source source) const;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ //AmplSuffixHandler();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ AmplSuffixHandler(const AmplSuffixHandler&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const AmplSuffixHandler&);
+ //@}
+ mutable ASL_pfgh* asl_;
+ SufDecl* suftab_;
+ std::vector<std::string> suffix_ids_;
+ std::vector<Suffix_Type> suffix_types_;
+ std::vector<Suffix_Source> suffix_sources_;
+ /** Method called by AmplTNLP to prepare the asl for the suffixes */
+ void PrepareAmplForSuffixes(ASL_pfgh* asl);
+ /** Method called by AmplTNLP to retrieve the suffixes from asl */
+ // void RetrieveSuffixesFromAmpl(ASL_pfgh* asl);
+ friend class AmplTNLP;
+ };
+ /** Class for storing a number of AMPL options that should be
+ * registered to the AMPL Solver library interface */
+ class AmplOptionsList : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ enum AmplOptionType {
+ String_Option,
+ Number_Option,
+ Integer_Option,
+ WS_Option, /* this is for AMPL's internal wantsol callback */
+ HaltOnError_Option /* this is for our setting of the nerror_ member */
+ };
+ /** Ampl Option class, contains name, type and description for an
+ * AMPL option */
+ class AmplOption : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ AmplOption(const std::string ipopt_option_name,
+ AmplOptionType type,
+ const std::string description);
+ ~AmplOption()
+ {
+ delete [] description_;
+ }
+ const std::string& IpoptOptionName() const
+ {
+ return ipopt_option_name_;
+ }
+ AmplOptionType Type() const
+ {
+ return type_;
+ }
+ char* Description() const
+ {
+ return description_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ AmplOption();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ AmplOption(const AmplOption&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const AmplOption&);
+ //@}
+ const std::string ipopt_option_name_;
+ const AmplOptionType type_;
+ char* description_;
+ };
+ class PrivatInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ PrivatInfo(const std::string ipopt_name,
+ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst,
+ void** nerror = NULL)
+ :
+ ipopt_name_(ipopt_name),
+ options_(options),
+ jnlst_(jnlst),
+ nerror_(nerror)
+ {}
+ const std::string& IpoptName() const
+ {
+ return ipopt_name_;
+ }
+ const SmartPtr<OptionsList>& Options() const
+ {
+ return options_;
+ }
+ const SmartPtr<const Journalist>& Jnlst() const
+ {
+ return jnlst_;
+ }
+ void** NError()
+ {
+ return nerror_;
+ }
+ private:
+ const std::string ipopt_name_;
+ const SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_;
+ const SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst_;
+ void** nerror_;
+ };
+ public:
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ AmplOptionsList()
+ :
+ keywds_(NULL),
+ nkeywds_(0)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~AmplOptionsList();
+ /** Adding a new AMPL Option */
+ void AddAmplOption(const std::string ampl_option_name,
+ const std::string ipopt_option_name,
+ AmplOptionsList::AmplOptionType type,
+ const std::string description)
+ {
+ SmartPtr<AmplOption> new_option =
+ new AmplOption(ipopt_option_name, type, description);
+ ampl_options_map_[ampl_option_name] = ConstPtr(new_option);
+ }
+ /** Number of AMPL Options */
+ Index NumberOfAmplOptions()
+ {
+ return (Index)ampl_options_map_.size();
+ }
+ /** ASL keywords list for the stored options. */
+ void* Keywords(const SmartPtr<OptionsList>& options,
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst,
+ void** nerror);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ //AmplOptionsList();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ AmplOptionsList(const AmplOptionsList&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const AmplOptionsList&);
+ //@}
+ void MakeValidLatexString(std::string source, std::string& dest) const;
+ void PrintLatex(SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst);
+ /** map for storing registered AMPL options */
+ std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<const AmplOption> > ampl_options_map_;
+ // AW: I think it should be with const like in the following line
+ // but with const the AIX compiler fails
+ // std::map<const std::string, SmartPtr<const AmplOption> > ampl_options_map_;
+ /** pointer to the keywords */
+ void* keywds_;
+ /** Number of entries stored in keywds_ */
+ Index nkeywds_;
+ };
+ /** Ampl Interface.
+ * Ampl Interface, implemented as a TNLP.
+ */
+ class AmplTNLP : public TNLP
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor. */
+ AmplTNLP(const SmartPtr<const Journalist>& jnlst,
+ const SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
+ char**& argv, SmartPtr<AmplSuffixHandler>
+ suffix_handler = NULL, bool allow_discrete = false,
+ SmartPtr<AmplOptionsList> ampl_options_list = NULL,
+ const char* ampl_option_string = NULL,
+ const char* ampl_invokation_string = NULL,
+ const char* ampl_banner_string = NULL,
+ std::string* nl_file_content = NULL);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~AmplTNLP();
+ //@}
+ /** Exceptions */
+ /**@name methods to gather information about the NLP. These
+ * methods are overloaded from TNLP. See TNLP for their more
+ * detailed documentation. */
+ //@{
+ /** returns dimensions of the nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g,
+ Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style);
+ /** returns names and other meta data for the variables and constraints
+ * Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool get_var_con_metadata(Index n,
+ StringMetaDataMapType& var_string_md,
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType& var_integer_md,
+ NumericMetaDataMapType& var_numeric_md,
+ Index m,
+ StringMetaDataMapType& con_string_md,
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType& con_integer_md,
+ NumericMetaDataMapType& con_numeric_md);
+ /** returns bounds of the nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u,
+ Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u);
+ /** Returns the constraint linearity.
+ * array will be alocated with length n. (default implementation
+ * just return false and does not fill the array). */
+ virtual bool get_constraints_linearity(Index m,
+ LinearityType* const_types);
+ /** provides a starting point for the nlp variables. Overloaded
+ from TNLP */
+ virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
+ bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
+ Index m, bool init_lambda, Number* lambda);
+ /** evaluates the objective value for the nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number& obj_value);
+ /** evaluates the gradient of the objective for the
+ nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number* grad_f);
+ /** evaluates the constraint residuals for the nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Number* g);
+ /** specifies the jacobian structure (if values is NULL) and
+ * evaluates the jacobian values (if values is not NULL) for the
+ * nlp. Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow,
+ Index *jCol, Number* values);
+ /** specifies the structure of the hessian of the lagrangian (if
+ * values is NULL) and evaluates the values (if values is not
+ * NULL). Overloaded from TNLP */
+ virtual bool eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
+ bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess, Index* iRow,
+ Index* jCol, Number* values);
+ /** retrieve the scaling parameters for the variables, objective
+ * function, and constraints. */
+ virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Number& obj_scaling,
+ bool& use_x_scaling, Index n,
+ Number* x_scaling,
+ bool& use_g_scaling, Index m,
+ Number* g_scaling);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Solution Methods */
+ //@{
+ virtual void finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
+ Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
+ Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Method for quasi-Newton approximation information. */
+ //@{
+ virtual Index get_number_of_nonlinear_variables();
+ virtual bool get_list_of_nonlinear_variables(Index num_nonlin_vars,
+ Index* pos_nonlin_vars);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Ampl specific methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Return the ampl solver object (ASL*) */
+ ASL_pfgh* AmplSolverObject()
+ {
+ return asl_;
+ }
+ /** Write the solution file. This is a wrapper for AMPL's
+ * write_sol. TODO Maybe this should be at a different place, or
+ * collect the numbers itself? */
+ void write_solution_file(const std::string& message) const;
+ /** ampl orders the variables like (continuous, binary, integer).
+ * This method gives the number of binary and integer variables.
+ * For details, see Tables 3 and 4 in "Hooking Your Solver to
+ * AMPL"
+ */
+ void get_discrete_info(Index& nlvb_,
+ Index& nlvbi_,
+ Index& nlvc_,
+ Index& nlvci_,
+ Index& nlvo_,
+ Index& nlvoi_,
+ Index& nbv_,
+ Index& niv_) const;
+ //@}
+ /** A method for setting the index of the objective function to be
+ * considered. This method must be called after the constructor,
+ * and before anything else is called. It can only be called
+ * once, and if there is more than one objective function in the
+ * AMPL model, it MUST be called. */
+ void set_active_objective(Index obj_no);
+ /**@name Methods to set meta data for the variables
+ * and constraints. These values will be passed on
+ * to the TNLP in get_var_con_meta_data
+ */
+ //@{
+ void set_string_metadata_for_var(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data)
+ {
+ var_string_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ void set_integer_metadata_for_var(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data)
+ {
+ var_integer_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ void set_numeric_metadata_for_var(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data)
+ {
+ var_numeric_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ void set_string_metadata_for_con(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data)
+ {
+ con_string_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ void set_integer_metadata_for_con(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data)
+ {
+ con_integer_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ void set_numeric_metadata_for_con(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data)
+ {
+ con_numeric_md_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Method for returning the suffix handler */
+ SmartPtr<AmplSuffixHandler> get_suffix_handler()
+ {
+ return suffix_handler_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ AmplTNLP();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ AmplTNLP(const AmplTNLP&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const AmplTNLP&);
+ //@}
+ /** Journlist */
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** pointer to the main ASL structure */
+ ASL_pfgh* asl_;
+ /** Sign of the objective fn (1 for min, -1 for max) */
+ double obj_sign_;
+ /**@name Problem Size Data*/
+ //@{
+ Index nz_h_full_; // number of nonzeros in the full_x hessian
+ /* the rest of the problem size data is available easily through the ampl variables */
+ //@}
+ /**@name Internal copies of data */
+ //@{
+ /** Solution Vectors */
+ Number* x_sol_;
+ Number* z_L_sol_;
+ Number* z_U_sol_;
+ Number* g_sol_;
+ Number* lambda_sol_;
+ Number obj_sol_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Flags to track internal state */
+ //@{
+ /** true when the objective value has been calculated with the
+ * current x, set to false in apply_new_x, and set to true in
+ * internal_objval */
+ bool objval_called_with_current_x_;
+ /** true when the constraint values have been calculated with the
+ * current x, set to false in apply_new_x, and set to true in
+ * internal_conval */
+ bool conval_called_with_current_x_;
+ /** true when we have called hesset */
+ bool hesset_called_;
+ /** true when set_active_objective has been called */
+ bool set_active_objective_called_;
+ //@}
+ /** Pointer to the Oinfo structure */
+ void* Oinfo_ptr_;
+ /** nerror flag passed to ampl calls - set to NULL to halt on error */
+ void* nerror_;
+ /** Suffix Handler */
+ SmartPtr<AmplSuffixHandler> suffix_handler_;
+ /** Make the objective call to ampl */
+ bool internal_objval(const Number* x, Number& obj_val);
+ /** Make the constraint call to ampl*/
+ bool internal_conval(const Number* x, Index m, Number* g=NULL);
+ /** Internal function to update the internal and ampl state if the
+ * x value changes */
+ bool apply_new_x(bool new_x, Index n, const Number* x);
+ /** Method for obtaining the name of the NL file and the options
+ * set from AMPL. Returns a pointer to a char* with the name of
+ * the stub */
+ char* get_options(const SmartPtr<OptionsList>& options,
+ SmartPtr<AmplOptionsList>& ampl_options_list,
+ const char* ampl_option_string,
+ const char* ampl_invokation_string,
+ const char* ampl_banner_string, char**& argv);
+ /** returns true if the ampl nerror code is ok */
+ bool nerror_ok(void* nerror);
+ /** calls hesset ASL function */
+ void call_hesset();
+ /** meta data to pass on to TNLP */
+ StringMetaDataMapType var_string_md_;
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType var_integer_md_;
+ NumericMetaDataMapType var_numeric_md_;
+ StringMetaDataMapType con_string_md_;
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType con_integer_md_;
+ NumericMetaDataMapType con_numeric_md_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt