path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcTreeLocal.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcTreeLocal.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcTreeLocal.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcTreeLocal.hpp
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-/* $Id: CbcTreeLocal.hpp 1573 2011-01-05 01:12:36Z lou $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CbcTreeLocal_H
-#define CbcTreeLocal_H
-/* This implements (approximately) local branching as in the 2002 paper by
- Matteo Fischetti and Andrea Lodi.
- The very simple version of the algorithm for problems with
- 0-1 variables and continuous is as follows:
- Obtain a feasible solution (one can be passed in).
- Add a cut which limits search to a k neighborhood of this solution.
- (At most k 0-1 variables may change value)
- Do branch and bound on this problem.
- If finished search and proven optimal then we can reverse cut so
- any solutions must be at least k+1 away from solution and we can
- add a new cut limiting search to a k neighborhood of new solution
- repeat.
- If finished search and no new solution then the simplest version
- would reverse last cut and complete search. The version implemented
- here can use time and node limits and can widen search (increase effective k)
- .... and more
-#include "CbcTree.hpp"
-#include "CbcNode.hpp"
-#include "OsiRowCut.hpp"
-class CbcModel;
-class CbcTreeLocal : public CbcTree {
- // Default Constructor
- CbcTreeLocal ();
- /* Constructor with solution.
- If solution NULL no solution, otherwise must be integer
- range is initial upper bound (k) on difference from given solution.
- typeCuts -
- 0 means just 0-1 cuts and will need to refine 0-1 solution
- 1 uses weaker cuts on all integer variables
- maxDiversification is maximum number of range widenings to try
- timeLimit is seconds in subTree
- nodeLimit is nodes in subTree
- refine is whether to see if we can prove current solution is optimal
- when we fix all 0-1 (in case typeCuts==0 and there are general integer variables)
- if false then no refinement but reverse cuts weaker
- */
- CbcTreeLocal (CbcModel * model, const double * solution , int range = 10,
- int typeCuts = 0, int maxDiversification = 0,
- int timeLimit = 1000000, int nodeLimit = 1000000, bool refine = true);
- // Copy constructor
- CbcTreeLocal ( const CbcTreeLocal & rhs);
- // = operator
- CbcTreeLocal & operator=(const CbcTreeLocal & rhs);
- virtual ~CbcTreeLocal();
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcTree * clone() const;
- /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
- virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
- /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
- /// Return the top node of the heap
- virtual CbcNode * top() const;
- /// Add a node to the heap
- virtual void push(CbcNode * x);
- /// Remove the top node from the heap
- virtual void pop() ;
- /*! \name Other stuff */
- /// Create cut - return -1 if bad, 0 if okay and 1 if cut is everything
- int createCut(const double * solution, OsiRowCut & cut);
- /// Test if empty *** note may be overridden
- virtual bool empty() ;
- /// We may have got an intelligent tree so give it one more chance
- virtual void endSearch() ;
- /// Other side of last cut branch (if bias==rhs_ will be weakest possible)
- void reverseCut(int state, double bias = 0.0);
- /// Delete last cut branch
- void deleteCut(OsiRowCut & cut);
- /// Pass in solution (so can be used after heuristic)
- void passInSolution(const double * solution, double solutionValue);
- // range i.e. k
- inline int range() const {
- return range_;
- }
- // setrange i.e. k
- inline void setRange(int value) {
- range_ = value;
- }
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- inline int typeCuts() const {
- return typeCuts_;
- }
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- inline void setTypeCuts(int value) {
- typeCuts_ = value;
- }
- // maximum number of diversifications
- inline int maxDiversification() const {
- return maxDiversification_;
- }
- // maximum number of diversifications
- inline void setMaxDiversification(int value) {
- maxDiversification_ = value;
- }
- // time limit per subtree
- inline int timeLimit() const {
- return timeLimit_;
- }
- // time limit per subtree
- inline void setTimeLimit(int value) {
- timeLimit_ = value;
- }
- // node limit for subtree
- inline int nodeLimit() const {
- return nodeLimit_;
- }
- // node limit for subtree
- inline void setNodeLimit(int value) {
- nodeLimit_ = value;
- }
- // Whether to do refinement step
- inline bool refine() const {
- return refine_;
- }
- // Whether to do refinement step
- inline void setRefine(bool yesNo) {
- refine_ = yesNo;
- }
- // Node for local cuts
- CbcNode * localNode_;
- // best solution
- double * bestSolution_;
- // saved solution
- double * savedSolution_;
- // solution number at start of pass
- int saveNumberSolutions_;
- /* Cut. If zero size then no solution yet. Otherwise is left hand branch */
- OsiRowCut cut_;
- // This cut fixes all 0-1 variables
- OsiRowCut fixedCut_;
- // Model
- CbcModel * model_;
- // Original lower bounds
- double * originalLower_;
- // Original upper bounds
- double * originalUpper_;
- // range i.e. k
- int range_;
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- int typeCuts_;
- // maximum number of diversifications
- int maxDiversification_;
- // current diversification
- int diversification_;
- // Whether next will be strong diversification
- bool nextStrong_;
- // Current rhs
- double rhs_;
- // Save allowable gap
- double savedGap_;
- // Best solution
- double bestCutoff_;
- // time limit per subtree
- int timeLimit_;
- // time when subtree started
- int startTime_;
- // node limit for subtree
- int nodeLimit_;
- // node count when subtree started
- int startNode_;
- // -1 not started, 0 == stop on first solution, 1 don't stop on first, 2 refinement step
- int searchType_;
- // Whether to do refinement step
- bool refine_;
-class CbcTreeVariable : public CbcTree {
- // Default Constructor
- CbcTreeVariable ();
- /* Constructor with solution.
- If solution NULL no solution, otherwise must be integer
- range is initial upper bound (k) on difference from given solution.
- typeCuts -
- 0 means just 0-1 cuts and will need to refine 0-1 solution
- 1 uses weaker cuts on all integer variables
- maxDiversification is maximum number of range widenings to try
- timeLimit is seconds in subTree
- nodeLimit is nodes in subTree
- refine is whether to see if we can prove current solution is optimal
- when we fix all 0-1 (in case typeCuts==0 and there are general integer variables)
- if false then no refinement but reverse cuts weaker
- */
- CbcTreeVariable (CbcModel * model, const double * solution , int range = 10,
- int typeCuts = 0, int maxDiversification = 0,
- int timeLimit = 1000000, int nodeLimit = 1000000, bool refine = true);
- // Copy constructor
- CbcTreeVariable ( const CbcTreeVariable & rhs);
- // = operator
- CbcTreeVariable & operator=(const CbcTreeVariable & rhs);
- virtual ~CbcTreeVariable();
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcTree * clone() const;
- /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
- virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
- /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
- /// Return the top node of the heap
- virtual CbcNode * top() const;
- /// Add a node to the heap
- virtual void push(CbcNode * x);
- /// Remove the top node from the heap
- virtual void pop() ;
- /*! \name Other stuff */
- /// Create cut - return -1 if bad, 0 if okay and 1 if cut is everything
- int createCut(const double * solution, OsiRowCut & cut);
- /// Test if empty *** note may be overridden
- virtual bool empty() ;
- /// We may have got an intelligent tree so give it one more chance
- virtual void endSearch() ;
- /// Other side of last cut branch (if bias==rhs_ will be weakest possible)
- void reverseCut(int state, double bias = 0.0);
- /// Delete last cut branch
- void deleteCut(OsiRowCut & cut);
- /// Pass in solution (so can be used after heuristic)
- void passInSolution(const double * solution, double solutionValue);
- // range i.e. k
- inline int range() const {
- return range_;
- }
- // setrange i.e. k
- inline void setRange(int value) {
- range_ = value;
- }
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- inline int typeCuts() const {
- return typeCuts_;
- }
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- inline void setTypeCuts(int value) {
- typeCuts_ = value;
- }
- // maximum number of diversifications
- inline int maxDiversification() const {
- return maxDiversification_;
- }
- // maximum number of diversifications
- inline void setMaxDiversification(int value) {
- maxDiversification_ = value;
- }
- // time limit per subtree
- inline int timeLimit() const {
- return timeLimit_;
- }
- // time limit per subtree
- inline void setTimeLimit(int value) {
- timeLimit_ = value;
- }
- // node limit for subtree
- inline int nodeLimit() const {
- return nodeLimit_;
- }
- // node limit for subtree
- inline void setNodeLimit(int value) {
- nodeLimit_ = value;
- }
- // Whether to do refinement step
- inline bool refine() const {
- return refine_;
- }
- // Whether to do refinement step
- inline void setRefine(bool yesNo) {
- refine_ = yesNo;
- }
- // Node for local cuts
- CbcNode * localNode_;
- // best solution
- double * bestSolution_;
- // saved solution
- double * savedSolution_;
- // solution number at start of pass
- int saveNumberSolutions_;
- /* Cut. If zero size then no solution yet. Otherwise is left hand branch */
- OsiRowCut cut_;
- // This cut fixes all 0-1 variables
- OsiRowCut fixedCut_;
- // Model
- CbcModel * model_;
- // Original lower bounds
- double * originalLower_;
- // Original upper bounds
- double * originalUpper_;
- // range i.e. k
- int range_;
- // Type of cuts - 0=just 0-1, 1=all
- int typeCuts_;
- // maximum number of diversifications
- int maxDiversification_;
- // current diversification
- int diversification_;
- // Whether next will be strong diversification
- bool nextStrong_;
- // Current rhs
- double rhs_;
- // Save allowable gap
- double savedGap_;
- // Best solution
- double bestCutoff_;
- // time limit per subtree
- int timeLimit_;
- // time when subtree started
- int startTime_;
- // node limit for subtree
- int nodeLimit_;
- // node count when subtree started
- int startNode_;
- // -1 not started, 0 == stop on first solution, 1 don't stop on first, 2 refinement step
- int searchType_;
- // Whether to do refinement step
- bool refine_;