import re from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.db.models import Q, Max from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model User = get_user_model() from website.models import Question, Answer, Notification, TutorialDetails, TutorialResources, AnswerComment from website.forms import NewQuestionForm, AnswerQuesitionForm from website.helpers import get_video_info admins = ( 9, 4376, 4915, 14595, 12329, 22467, 5518 ) categories = ( 'Advanced-C++', 'BASH', 'Blender', 'C-and-C++', 'CellDesigner', 'Digital-Divide', 'Drupal', 'Firefox', 'GChemPaint', 'Geogebra', 'GeoGebra-for-Engineering-drawing', 'GIMP', 'GNS3', 'GSchem', 'Java', 'Java-Business-Application', 'KiCad', 'KTouch', 'KTurtle', 'LaTeX', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Base', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Calc', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Draw', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Impress', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Math', 'LibreOffice-Suite-Writer', 'Linux', 'Netbeans', 'Ngspice', 'OpenFOAM', 'Orca', 'Oscad', 'PERL', 'PHP-and-MySQL', 'Python', 'Python-Old-Version', 'QCad', 'R', 'Ruby', 'Scilab', 'Selenium', 'Single-Board-Heater-System', 'Spoken-Tutorial-Technology', 'Step', 'Thunderbird', 'Tux-Typing', 'What-is-Spoken-Tutorial', 'Xfig' ) def home(request): questions = Question.objects.all().order_by('date_created').reverse()[:10] context = { 'categories': categories, 'questions': questions } return render(request, "website/templates/index.html", context) def questions(request): questions = Question.objects.all().order_by('date_created').reverse() paginator = Paginator(questions, 20) page = request.GET.get('page') try: questions = except PageNotAnInteger: questions = except EmptyPage: questions = context = { 'questions': questions } return render(request, 'website/templates/questions.html', context) def get_question(request, question_id=None): question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=question_id) answers = question.answer_set.all() form = AnswerQuesitionForm() context = { 'question': question, 'answers': answers, 'form': form } context.update(csrf(request)) # updating views count question.views += 1 return render(request, 'website/templates/get-question.html', context) @login_required def question_answer(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = AnswerQuesitionForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data qid = cleaned_data['question'] body = cleaned_data['body'] question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=qid) answer = Answer() answer.uid = answer.question = question answer.body = body if question.uid != notification = Notification() notification.uid = question.uid = notification.qid = qid notification.aid = user = User.objects.get(id=question.uid) # Sending email when an answer is posted subject = 'Question has been answered' message = """ Dear {0}

Your question titled "{1}" has been answered.
Link: {2}

Spoken Tutorial Forums """.format( user.username, question.title, '' + str( + "#answer" + str( ) email = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject,'', 'forums', [], headers={"Content-type":"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"} ) email.attach_alternative(message, "text/html") email.send(fail_silently=True) # End of email send return HttpResponseRedirect('/question/'+str(qid) + "#answer" + str( @login_required def answer_comment(request): if request.method == 'POST': answer_id = request.POST['answer_id']; body = request.POST['body'] answer = Answer.objects.get(pk=answer_id) comment = AnswerComment() comment.uid = comment.answer = answer comment.body = body # notifying the answer owner if answer.uid != notification = Notification() notification.uid = answer.uid = notification.qid = notification.aid = notification.cid = user = User.objects.get(id=answer.uid) subject = 'Comment for your answer' message = """ Dear {0}

A comment has been posted on your answer.
Link: {1}

Spoken Tutorial Forums """.format( user.username, "" + str( + "#answer" + str( ) forums_mail(, subject, message) # notifying other users in the comment thread uids = answer.answercomment_set.filter(answer=answer).values_list('uid', flat=True) #getting distinct uids uids = set(uids) uids.remove( for uid in uids: notification = Notification() notification.uid = uid = notification.qid = notification.aid = notification.cid = user = User.objects.get(id=uid) subject = 'Comment has a reply' message = """ Dear {0}

A reply has been posted on your comment.
Link: {1}

Spoken Tutorial Forums """.format( user.username, "" + str( + "#answer" + str( ) forums_mail(, subject, message) return HttpResponseRedirect("/question/" + str( + "#") def filter(request, category=None, tutorial=None, minute_range=None, second_range=None): context = { 'category': category, 'tutorial': tutorial, 'minute_range': minute_range, 'second_range': second_range } if category and tutorial and minute_range and second_range: questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category).filter(tutorial=tutorial).filter(minute_range=minute_range).filter(second_range=second_range) elif tutorial is None: questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category) elif minute_range is None: questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category).filter(tutorial=tutorial) else: #second_range is None questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category).filter(tutorial=tutorial).filter(minute_range=minute_range) if 'qid' in request.GET: qid = request.GET['qid'] question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=qid) context['question'] = question questions = questions.filter(~Q(id=qid)) context['questions'] = questions return render(request, 'website/templates/filter.html', context) @login_required def new_question(request): context = {} if request.method == 'POST': form = NewQuestionForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data question = Question() question.uid = question.category = cleaned_data['category'] question.tutorial = cleaned_data['tutorial'] question.minute_range = cleaned_data['minute_range'] question.second_range = cleaned_data['second_range'] question.title = cleaned_data['title'] question.body = cleaned_data['body'] question.views= 1 # Sending email when a new question is asked subject = 'New Forum Question' message = """ A new question has been posted in the Spoken-Tutorial Forum.
Category: {0}
Tutorial: {1}
Link: {2}
""".format( question.category, question.tutorial, ''+str( ) email = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject,'', 'forums', ['', ''], headers={"Content-type":"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"} ) email.attach_alternative(message, "text/html") email.send(fail_silently=True) # End of email send return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: #fix dirty code category = request.GET.get('category') form = NewQuestionForm(category=category) context['category'] = category context['form'] = form context.update(csrf(request)) return render(request, 'website/templates/new-question.html', context) # Notification Section @login_required def user_questions(request, user_id): marker = 0 if 'marker' in request.GET: marker = int(request.GET['marker']) if str(user_id) == str( total = Question.objects.filter(uid=user_id).count() total = int(total - (total % 10 - 10)) questions = Question.objects.filter(uid=user_id).order_by('date_created').reverse()[marker:marker+10] context = { 'questions': questions, 'total': total, 'marker': marker } return render(request, 'website/templates/user-questions.html', context) return HttpResponse("go away") @login_required def user_answers(request, user_id): marker = 0 if 'marker' in request.GET: marker = int(request.GET['marker']) if str(user_id) == str( total = Answer.objects.filter(uid=user_id).count() total = int(total - (total % 10 - 10)) answers =Answer.objects.filter(uid=user_id).order_by('date_created').reverse()[marker:marker+10] context = { 'answers': answers, 'total': total, 'marker': marker } return render(request, 'website/templates/user-answers.html', context) return HttpResponse("go away") @login_required def user_notifications(request, user_id): if str(user_id) == str( notifications = Notification.objects.filter(uid=user_id).order_by('date_created').reverse() context = { 'notifications': notifications } return render(request, 'website/templates/notifications.html', context) return HttpResponse("go away ...") @login_required def clear_notifications(request): Notification.objects.filter( return HttpResponseRedirect("/user/{0}/notifications/".format( def search(request): context = { 'categories': categories } return render(request, 'website/templates/search.html', context) # Ajax Section # All the ajax views go below @csrf_exempt def ajax_category(request): context = { 'categories': categories } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax_categories.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_tutorials(request): if request.method == 'POST': category = request.POST.get('category') tutorials = TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').filter(foss_category=category) context = { 'tutorials': tutorials } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-tutorials.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_duration(request): if request.method == 'POST': category = request.POST['category'] tutorial =request.POST['tutorial'] video_detail = TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').get( Q(foss_category=category), Q(tutorial_name=tutorial) ) video_resource = TutorialResources.objects.using('spoken').get( Q(, Q(language='English') ) video_path = '/Sites/spoken_tutorial_org/sites/default/files/{0}'.format( video_resource.tutorial_video ) # video_path = '/home/cheese/test-video.ogv' video_info = get_video_info(video_path) # convert minutes to 1 if less than 0 # convert seconds to nearest upper 10th number eg(23->30) minutes = video_info['minutes'] seconds = video_info['seconds'] if minutes < 0: minutes = 1 seconds = int(seconds - (seconds % 10 - 10)) seconds = 60 context = { 'minutes': minutes, 'seconds':seconds, } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-duration.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_question_update(request): if request.method == 'POST': qid = request.POST['question_id'] title = request.POST['question_title'] body = request.POST['question_body'] question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=qid) if question: if question.uid == or in admins: question.title = title question.body = body return HttpResponse("saved") @csrf_exempt def ajax_details_update(request): if request.method == 'POST': qid = request.POST['qid'] category = request.POST['category'] tutorial = request.POST['tutorial'] minute_range = request.POST['minute_range'] second_range = request.POST['second_range'] question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=qid) if question: if question.uid == or in admins: question.category = category question.tutorial = tutorial question.minute_range = minute_range question.second_range = second_range return HttpResponse("saved") @csrf_exempt def ajax_answer_update(request): if request.method == 'POST': aid = request.POST['answer_id'] body = request.POST['answer_body'] answer= get_object_or_404(Answer, pk=aid) if answer: if answer.uid == or in admins: answer.body = body return HttpResponse("saved") @csrf_exempt def ajax_answer_comment_update(request): if request.method == "POST": comment_id = request.POST["comment_id"] comment_body = request.POST["comment_body"] comment = get_object_or_404(AnswerComment, pk=comment_id) if comment: if comment.uid == or in admins: comment.body = comment_body return HttpResponse("saved") @csrf_exempt def ajax_similar_questions(request): if request.method == 'POST': category = request.POST['category'] tutorial = request.POST['tutorial'] minute_range = request.POST['minute_range'] second_range = request.POST['second_range'] # add more filtering when the forum grows questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category).filter(tutorial=tutorial) context = { 'questions': questions } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-similar-questions.html', context); @csrf_exempt def ajax_notification_remove(request): if request.method == "POST": nid = request.POST["notification_id"] notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=nid) if notification: if notification.uid == notification.delete() return HttpResponse("removed") return HttpResponse("failed") @csrf_exempt def ajax_keyword_search(request): if request.method == "POST": key = request.POST['key'] questions = Question.objects.filter(title__icontains=key) context = { 'questions': questions } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-keyword-search.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_time_search(request): if request.method == "POST": key = request.POST['key'] questions = Question.objects.filter(title__icontains=key) context = { 'questions': questions } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-keyword-search.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_time_search(request): if request.method == "POST": category = request.POST.get('category') tutorial = request.POST.get('tutorial') minute_range= request.POST.get('minute_range') second_range = request.POST.get('second_range') if category != 'None': questions = Question.objects.filter(category=category) if tutorial != 'None': questions = questions.filter(tutorial=tutorial) if minute_range != 'None': questions = questions.filter(minute_range=minute_range) if second_range != 'None': questions = questions.filter(second_range=second_range) context = { 'questions': questions } return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-time-search.html', context) @csrf_exempt def ajax_vote(request): #for future use pass def forums_mail(to = '', subject='', message=''): # Start of email send email = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject,'', 'forums', [to], headers={"Content-type":"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"} ) email.attach_alternative(message, "text/html") email.send(fail_silently=True) # End of email send