A **WebApp** to provide online discussion, question and answer for professional
and programmers.
- Make sure your Internet is working.
- Clone this repo by typing ::
git clone -b fossee-forum https://github.com/FOSSEE/spoken-tutorial-forums.git
- Install Virtual Environment using the following command ::
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
- Create a Virtual Environment ::
virtualenv /path/to/virtualenv
- Activate the virtualenv using the command ::
source /path/to/virtualenv-name/bin/activate
- Change the directory to the `spoken-tutorial-forums/` project using the command ::
cd /path/to/spoken-tutorial-forums
- Install pre-requisites using the command (please don't use sudo) ::
pip install -r requirement.txt
or you can also type ::
easy_install `cat requirement.txt`
- Using MySQL (For development server only). Though, we recommend to use `MySQL` for deployment
server. See `settings.py` file for usage.
- Create 'forum' database in 'MySQL'.
- Only for Server deployment, open `spoken-tutorial-forums/forums/settings.py` file and make the following changes ::
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backend.mysql',
'NAME' : 'forum',
'USER': '',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
- For development on your machine, create a file `config.py` in `spoken-tutorial-forums/forums/` and add ::
db_user='root' #(MySql username)
db_pass = 'root' #(MySql password)
- For development on your machine, open `spoken-tutorial-forums/forums/settings.py` file and make the following changes ::
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backend.mysql',
'NAME' : 'forum',
'USER': db_user,
'PASSWORD': db_pass ,
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
- Populate the database using the following command ::
cd /path/to/spoken-tutorial-forums
python manage.py syncdb
- Run the script populate_category.py which enters lists of foss categories into the table category from the `category_names.txt` file ::
python populate_category.py
- Start the server using the command ::
python manage.py runserver
**Not for first time users and only for developers**
Migration (How to add a new model field to an existing table using South without having to drop a table)
- Enter into virual environment
- install south ::
pip install south
- Add south to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
- Change the directory to the `spoken-tutorial-forums/` project using the command ::
cd /path/to/spoken-tutorial-forums
- Run below command to create south_migrationhistory table ::
python manage.py syncdb
- Create the initial migration with South ::
python manage.py schemamigration --initial website
- Apply it as a fake migration ::
python manage.py migrate website --fake
- Make the change to the website model, in this case ::
git pull
- Create a migration for your new change ::
python manage.py schemamigration --auto website
- Apply new migration ::
python manage.py migrate website
- Never edit the master and fossee-forum branch.
- Make a branch specific to the feature you wish to contribute on.
- Send me a pull request.
- Please follow `PEP8 `_
style guide when coding in Python.
GNU GPL Version 3, 29 June 2007.
Please refer this `link `_
for detailed description.