This function returns the estimated delay between two input signals using crosscorrelation.
D = FINDDELAY(X,Y), returns estimated Delay D between X
and Y. D is positive implies Y is delayed with respect to X and vice versa.
If X, Y are matrices, then D is a row vector corresponding to delay between columns of X and Y
D = FINDDELAY(...,MAXLAG), uses MAXLAG as the maximum correlation
window size used to find the estimated delay(s) between X and Y:
> If MAXLAG is an integer-valued scalar, and X and Y are row or column
vectors or matrices, the vector D of estimated delays is found by
cross-correlating (the columns of) X and Y over a range of lags
> If MAXLAG is an integer-valued row or column vector, and one input is vector
and another be matirx (let X is a row or column vector ,
and Y is a matrix) then the vector D of estimated delays is found by
cross-correlating X and column J of Y over a range of lags
-MAXLAG(J):MAXLAG(J), for J=1:Number of columns of Y.
> If MAXLAG is an integer-valued row or column vector, and X and Y are
both matrices. then vector D of estimated delays is found by
cross-correlating corresponding columns of X and Y over a range of lags
By default, MAXLAG is equal to MAX(LX,LY)-1 for vectors,
Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay