Steps to create .exe for Chemical Simulator GUI 1. Go to dir=> src/main/python/ 2. Run the command=> pyinstaller --onefile -windowed --icon=..\resources\base\icons\logo.ico --name="Chemical Simulator GUI" --add-data="..\..\*;." --hidden-import=csv --hidden-import=pandas --hidden-import=PyQt5.uic --hidden-import=xml.dom --hidden-import=pyqtgraph 3. Move the .exe in 'src/main/python/dist/' to 'src/main/python/' 4. Delete the file and folders after moving the .exe File to delete 1. src/main/python/Chemical Simulator GUI.spec Folders to delete 1. src/main/python/dist 2. src/main/python/build Steps to create installer for Chemical Simulator GUI 1. Go to dir=> Chemical-Simulator-GUI/ 2. Zip the contents in the folder 3. Name the zipped folder 'Chemical-Simulator-GUI' 4. Launch NSIS 5. Click on the option 'Installer based on .ZIP file' in NSIS 6. Select the zipped folder created in Step 2 and 3. 7. Options in NSIS i) Installer Name - Chemical-Simulator-GUI ii) Interface - Modern iii) Default Folder - $PROGRAMFILES\Chemical-Simulator-GUI iv) Compression - LZMA 8. Click Generate