path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-29Fix #44 Simulation running after reopeningbrenda-br
2023-01-28Fix #45 New File not created when cancelling Open Filebrenda-br
2023-01-25Fix #36 Results reloaded when file opensbrenda-br
2023-01-03Fix 26 => Toggle View for Component Selector and Message Browserbrenda-br
2021-06-22update compounds method added in all unit operations, material stream and mat...Pravin Dalve
2021-04-18Fixes for issue #16pravindalve
2020-12-20Fixes for reloading variable port unit operationspravindalve
2020-12-09Fixes for opening file for compound selectorpravindalve
2020-11-06Fixes for Newpravindalve
2020-08-11Clean unnecessary codes from, and Flowsheet.pylucaszhao19
2020-08-07Clean unnecessary codes from, and Streams.pylucaszhao19
2020-08-03Add Thermo Package for ShortcutColumnlucaszhao19
2020-07-21Fixed updating Tooltip values from fetched resultslucaszhao19
2020-06-24issue with updating database while creating new file fixedpravindalve
2020-05-10Fixed issuelucaszhao19
2020-03-13DockWidget folder fixedlucaszhao19
2020-02-20DockWidgets and NodeItems positioning fixedlucaszhao19
2020-02-05Revamped and merged Input/Results DockWidgets, Newly implemented variables fo...lucaszhao19
2020-02-05Input/Results DockWidgets, Newly implemented variables for MaterialStream and...lucaszhao19
2020-01-30undo&redo_implementationSann Yay Aye
2020-01-08Merge branch 'master' of
2020-01-08Creating, deleting, saving and loading graphics related parts fully completedlucaszhao19
2020-01-07Changed CSS color and set Tooltips and default value on dockWidgetSann Yay Aye
2020-01-03Merged changes, load implemented (WIP)lucaszhao19
2020-01-03Made GUI compatible with the new Simulator, abbreviations updated to new conv...SaurabhAgarwala
2020-01-01Added Binary Phase EnvelopeAyush Agrawal
2020-01-01Resolved a bug, Eliminated helperFunc and some redundant filesSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-31Implemented inheritance for Unit OperationsSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-24Shortcut keys added, typo correctedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-24Merge conflicts resolved, threading and terminating simulation implementedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-24Restructured the API, and the front-endAyush Agrawal
2019-12-23Termination function implementedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23Terminate thread implementedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23Terminate function UI created and flowsheet made attribute of classSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23root_dir and threading addedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23Feature implementation - saving and partial loadinglucaszhao19
2019-12-16Added normailizing feature, and enhanced readabilitySaurabhAgarwala
2019-10-30Initial Commitpravindalve