path: root/umlet.uxf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'umlet.uxf')
1 files changed, 1497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umlet.uxf b/umlet.uxf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f794e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umlet.uxf
@@ -0,0 +1,1497 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<diagram program="umlet" version="14.3.0">
+ <help_text>// Uncomment the following line to change the fontsize and font:
+// fontfamily=SansSerif //possible: SansSerif,Serif,Monospaced
+// Welcome to UMLet!
+// Double-click on elements to add them to the diagram, or to copy them
+// Edit elements by modifying the text in this panel
+// Hold Ctrl to select multiple elements
+// Use Ctrl+mouse to select via lasso
+// Use +/- or Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom
+// Drag a whole relation at its central square icon
+// Press Ctrl+C to copy the whole diagram to the system clipboard (then just paste it to, eg, Word)
+// Edit the files in the "palettes" directory to create your own element palettes
+// Select "Custom Elements &gt; New..." to create new element types
+// This text will be stored with each diagram; use it for notes.</help_text>
+ <zoom_level>7</zoom_level>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>217</x>
+ <y>385</y>
+ <w>182</w>
+ <h>245</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>MainApp
++ zoomcount: int = 0
++ thrd: Thread = None
++ container: Container()
++ comp: ComponentSelector()
++ scene: Graphics.QGraphicsScene()
++ menuBar()
++ buttonHandler()
++ help()
++ BinPhaseEnv()
++ selectCompounds()
++ currentTime()
++ simulate(mode)
++ terminate()
++ zoomReset()
++ zoomOut()
++ zoomIn()
++ component()
++ new()
++ deleteCall()
++ undo_redo_helper()
++ undo()
++ redo()
++ save()
++ open()
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>231</x>
+ <y>210</y>
+ <w>154</w>
+ <h>119</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QMainWindow
+textBrowser: UC1
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>301</x>
+ <y>322</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>77</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;90.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>245</x>
+ <y>112</y>
+ <w>119</w>
+ <h>42</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UC1 (textBrowserClass)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>294</x>
+ <y>147</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>77</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;90.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>455</x>
+ <y>126</y>
+ <w>224</w>
+ <h>189</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>ComponentSelector
++ Dict1: dictionary = dict()
++ instance: list = [ChemsepDatabase()]
++ lines: list = []
++ model: QStringListModel()
++ completer: QCompleter()
++ final_list(*list_name)
++ isCompSelected()
++ get_object(component)
++ get_original_name(component, removing_attrib)
++ compoundSelection()
+_+ setCompounds(compounds)_
++ addToTable(a)
++ addCompToList(comp)
++ removeItems()
++ Show_Error()
++ cancel()
++ getComp()
++ final_mo()
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>469</x>
+ <y>378</y>
+ <w>161</w>
+ <h>252</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>Container
++ unitOp: list = []
++ termoPackage = None
++ compounds = None
++ conn: dictionary = defaultdict(list)
++ op: dictionary = defaultdict(list)
++ ip: dictionary = defaultdict(list)
++ msg
++ opl: list = []
++ result: list = []
++ graphics: Graphics(unitOp)
++ scene : graphics.getScene()
++ currentTime()
++ addUnitOp(obj, graphicsView)
++ delete(l)
++ fetchObject(name)
++ addCompounds(comp)
++ add_thermoPackage(thermo)
++ msgBrowser()
++ simulate(mode)
++ flatlist(lst)
++ PUSH(fileName, data)
++ CLEAN_FILE(fileName)
++ POP(fileName)
++ get_last_list(fileName)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>686</x>
+ <y>434</y>
+ <w>238</w>
+ <h>119</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>Graphics
++ scene: QGraphicsScene()
++ pos: QPointF = None
++ unitOp: list = unitOp
++ getScene()
++ getComponentSelector()
++ createNodeItem(unitOpr, container, graphicsView)
++ boundingRect()
++ loadCanvas(obj)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>728</x>
+ <y>238</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>105</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QDialog
+lineEdit: UC2
+compoundSelectButton: UC3
+pushButton: UC4
+pushButton_2: UC4
+pshButton_3: UC4
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>728</x>
+ <y>42</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QStringListModel
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>910</x>
+ <y>231</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UC3 (selectButtonClass)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>728</x>
+ <y>98</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QCompleter
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>728</x>
+ <y>175</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UC2 (lineEditClass)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>910</x>
+ <y>294</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UC4 (pushButtonClass)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>665</x>
+ <y>595</y>
+ <w>259</w>
+ <h>315</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>NodeItem
++ obj: UnitOperation = unitOpr
++ container: Container = container
++ graphicsView: QGraphicsView = graphicsView
++ name: string =
++ type: string = obj.type
++ default_tooltip: string
++ default_tooltip_dict: dictionary
++ nin: int = obj.no_of_inputs
++ nop: int = obj.no_of_outputs
++ text: string = user_input
++ ok: boolean = user_input
++ dockWidget: DockWidget() or DockWidgetMaterialStream()
+ or DockWidgetMixer() or DockWidgetSplitter()
+ or DockWidgetFlash() or DockWidgetCompoundSeparator()
+ or DockWidgetDistillationColumn()
+ or DockWidgetShortcutColumn()
++ mainwindow = findMainWindow()
++ pic: QPixmap()
++ rect: QRect()
++ text: QGraphicsTextItem()
++ f: QFont()
++ brush: QBrush()
++ pen: QPen()
++ selPen: QPen()
++ Input:list = [NodeSocket(type)]
++ Output:list = [NodeSocket(type)]
++ initializeSockets(type)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>644</x>
+ <y>987</y>
+ <w>119</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>847</x>
+ <y>1036</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtWidgets.QInputDialog
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>798</x>
+ <y>1092</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtGui.QFont
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>644</x>
+ <y>1064</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>77</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtWidgets.QGraphicTextItem
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>483</x>
+ <y>707</y>
+ <w>112</w>
+ <h>42</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtGui.QBrush
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>294</x>
+ <y>707</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>56</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtGui.QPen
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>469</x>
+ <y>805</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>189</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>NodeSocket
++ rect: QRect = rect
++ type: string = socketType
++ parent: NodeItem = parent
++ newLine: NodeLine = None
++ otherLine: NodeLine = None
++ brush: QBrush()
++ pen: QPen()
++ outLines: list = []
++ inLines: list = []
++ getCenter()
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>245</x>
+ <y>805</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>161</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>NodeLine
++ _pointA: QPointF = pointA
++ _pointB: QPointF = pointB
++ _source: QPointF = None
++ _targer: QPointF = None
++ socket: string = socket
++ pen: QPen()
++ pointA()
++ pointA(point)
++ pointB()
++ pointB(poing)
++ source()
++ target()
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>140</x>
+ <y>707</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>56</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QtWigets.QGraphicsPathItem
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1337</x>
+ <y>154</y>
+ <w>168</w>
+ <h>210</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>DockWidgetMaterialStream
++ name: string = name
++ obj: UnitOperations = obj
++ type: string = comptype
++ input_dict: dictionary = {}
++ dict: dictionary = {}
++ x_pclist: list = []
++ name_type: string = None
++ container: Container = container
++ header: QTreeWidgetItem()
++ modes()
++ mode_selection()
++ input_params_list()
++ param()
++ results_category(name)
++ _show_result(lst)_
++ show_error()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>910</x>
+ <y>350</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>35</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UC5 (comboBoxClass)
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1092</x>
+ <y>294</y>
+ <w>168</w>
+ <h>182</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>DockWidget
++ name: string = name
++ obj: UnitOperations = obj
++ type: string = comptype
++ input_dict: dictionary = {}
++ dict: dictionary = {}
++ x_pclist: list = []
++ name_type: string = None
++ container: Container = container
++ modes()
++ mode_selection()
++ input_params_list()
++ param()
++ show_error()
+_+ show_result(lst)_
++ result_category(name)</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1120</x>
+ <y>147</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>112</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>QDockWidget
+pushButton_2: UC4
+comboBox: UC5
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1337</x>
+ <y>686</y>
+ <w>168</w>
+ <h>161</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>DockWidgetShortcutColumn
++ name: string = name
++ obj: UnitOperations = obj
++ type: string = comptype
++ input_dict: list = []
++ dict: list = []
++ name_yype: string = None
++ container: Container = container
++ input_params_list()
++ fun()
++ param()
++ show_error()
+_+ show_result(lst)_
++ result_category(name)</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1337</x>
+ <y>546</y>
+ <w>168</w>
+ <h>126</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>DockWidgetMixer
++ name: string = name
++ obj: UnitOperations = obj
++ type: string = comptype
++ input_dict: list = []
++ dict: list = []
++ input_params_list()
++ param()
++ show_error()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1337</x>
+ <y>392</y>
+ <w>168</w>
+ <h>140</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>DockWidgetSplitter
++ name: string = name
++ obj: UnitOperations = obj
++ type: string = comptype
++ input_dict: list = []
++ dict: list = []
++ input_params_list()
++ fun()
++ param()
++ show_error()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1022</x>
+ <y>511</y>
+ <w>231</w>
+ <h>231</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>Flowsheet
++ sim_name: string = 'Simulator'
++ sim_method: string = ''
++ UnitOpn: list = []
++ data: list = []
++ compounds: list = []
++ interface: string = ''
++ omc_path: string = None
++ omc_path: string = cwd()
++ sim_dir_path: string = join(curr_path, sim_name)
++ Flomo_path: string = join(ssim_dir_path, '')
++ eqn_mos_path: string = join(sim_dir_path, 'simlateEQN.mos')
++ sm_mos_path: string = join(sim_dir_path, 'simulateSM.mos')
++ resdata: list = []
++ stdout = None
++ stderr = None
++ get_omc_path()
++ add_UnitOpn()
++ remove_UnitOpn()
++ add_comp_list()
++ send_for_simulationEqn()
++ send_for_simulationSM()
++ ExtData()
++ simulateEQN()
++ simulateSM()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1050</x>
+ <y>980</y>
+ <w>189</w>
+ <h>280</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>MaterialStream
+_+ counter: int = 1_
++ name: string = 'MaterialStream' + counter
++ type: string = 'MaterialStream'
++ CompNames: string = CompNames
++ count: int = counter
++ thermoPackage: string = 'RaoultsLaw'
++ mode1: string = 'P'
++ mode2: string = 'T'
++ mode1val: string = ''
++ mode2Val: string = ''
++ OM_data_init: string = ''
++ OM_data_eqn: string = ''
++ no_of_inputs: int = 1
++ no_of_outputs: int = 2
++ x: int = 2500-30
++ y: int = 2500-30
++ startDict: dictionary = {}
++ eqnDict: dictionary = {}
++ modesList: list = ['PT',...]
++ variables: dictionary = {'P':{..},...}
++ paramgetter(mode)
++ paramsetter(params)
++ setPos(pos)
++ GetMinEqnValues()
++ GetStartValues()
++ OM_Flowsheet_Initialize()
++ OM_Flowsheet_Equation()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>1316</x>
+ <y>980</y>
+ <w>189</w>
+ <h>350</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>UnitOperations
+_+ counter: int = 1_
++ OM_data_eqn: string = ''
++ OM_data_init: string = ''
++ InputStms: list = []
++ OutputStms: list = []
++ compounds: list = compound_selected
++ name: string = ''
++ mode: string = None
++ modeVal: string = None
++ type: string = None
++ no_of_inputs: int = 1
++ no_of_outputs: int = 1
++ x: int = 2500-30
++ y: int = 2500-30
++ pos: QPointF(x, y)
++ count: int = counter
++ variables: dictionary = {}
++ modesList: list = []
++ parameters: list = []
++ extra: list = []
++ ForNaming: list = []
++ multidict: list = []
++ ThermoPackReq: boolean = False
++ thermoPackage: list = None
++ paramgetter(mode)
++ paramsetter(params)
++ setPos(pos)
++ add_connection(flag, UnitOpr)
++ OM_Flowsheet_Initialize()
++ OM_Flowsheet_Equation()</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>497</y>
+ <w>175</w>
+ <h>168</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>Bin_Phase_env
++ comp: CompoundSelector = comp
++ compounds: list = comp.getComp()
++ lines: list = [line.rstrip('\n')...]
++ counter: int = 1
++ button_handler()
++ T_xy()
++ P_xy()
++ get_omc_path()
++ plot()
++ pressEvent(evt)
++ entered(items)</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>UMLClass</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>490</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <w>147</w>
+ <h>98</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>ChemsepDatabase
++ comp_name_list: list = list()
++ name: string = 'chemsep'
++ comp_prop_list: list = list()
++ get_comp_name_list()
++ get_value(comps, attrib)
++ get_comp_prop(comps)</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>392</x>
+ <y>308</y>
+ <w>84</w>
+ <h>126</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>100.0;10.0;100.0;160.0;10.0;160.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>392</x>
+ <y>476</y>
+ <w>91</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>110.0;10.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>553</x>
+ <y>91</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;50.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>672</x>
+ <y>280</y>
+ <w>70</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>80.0;10.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>791</x>
+ <y>203</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;50.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>791</x>
+ <y>140</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>49</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;50.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>791</x>
+ <y>70</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>42</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;10.0;10.0;40.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>868</x>
+ <y>252</y>
+ <w>56</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>60.0;10.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>868</x>
+ <y>301</y>
+ <w>56</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>60.0;10.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>623</x>
+ <y>497</y>
+ <w>77</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>90.0;10.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>791</x>
+ <y>546</y>
+ <w>21</w>
+ <h>63</h>
+ </coordinates>
+ <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+ <additional_attributes>10.0;70.0;10.0;10.0</additional_attributes>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>Relation</id>
+ <coordinates>
+ <x>609</x>
+ <y>875</y>
+ <w>70</w>
+ <h>21</h>
+ </coordinates>
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++ EngStm1:string = 'EngStm1'+name
++ EngStm2: string = 'EngStm2'+name
++ Cspec_list: list = [...]
++ Rsepc_list: list = [...]
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