from fbs_runtime.application_context.PyQt5 import ApplicationContext from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt, pyqtSignal, QMimeData from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QDrag from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QBoxLayout, QDockWidget, QGridLayout, QLineEdit, QScrollArea, QToolButton, QWidget, QStyle, QLabel) from re import search, IGNORECASE from .data import toolbarItems from .app import fileImporter, app from .layout import flowLayout # resourceManager = ApplicationContext() #Used to load images, mainly toolbar icons class toolbar(QDockWidget): """ Defines the right side toolbar, using QDockWidget. """ toolbuttonClicked = pyqtSignal(dict) #signal for any object button pressed def __init__(self, parent = None): super(toolbar, self).__init__(parent) self.toolbarButtonDict = dict() #initializes empty dict to store toolbar buttons self.toolbarLabelDict = dict() self.toolbarItems(toolbarItems.keys()) #creates all necessary buttons self.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable) #mainly used to disable closeability of QDockWidget self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea | Qt.NoDockWidgetArea) #declare main widget and layout self.widget = QWidget(self) self.widget.setObjectName("ToolbarWidget") self.layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.TopToBottom, self.widget) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.searchBox = QLineEdit(self.widget) #search box to search through componenets #connect signal to filter slot, add searchbar to toolbar self.searchBox.textChanged.connect(self.searchQuery) self.layout.addWidget(self.searchBox, alignment=Qt.AlignHCenter) #create a scrollable area to house all buttons self.diagArea = QScrollArea(self) self.diagArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.diagArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.diagArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.layout.addWidget(self.diagArea, stretch=1) self.diagAreaWidget = QWidget(self.diagArea) #inner widget for scroll area self.diagAreaWidget.setObjectName("ToolbarScrollWidget") #custom layout for inner widget self.diagAreaLayout = flowLayout(self.diagAreaWidget) self.diagAreaLayout.setSizeConstraint(flowLayout.SetMinimumSize) self.setWidget(self.widget) #set main widget to dockwidget def clearLayout(self): # used to clear all items from toolbar, by parenting it to the toolbar instead # this works because changing parents moves widgets to be the child of the new # parent, setting it to none, would have qt delete them to free memory for i in reversed(range(self.diagAreaLayout.count())): # since changing parent would effect indexing, its important to go in reverse self.diagAreaLayout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(self) def populateToolbar(self, filterFunc=None): #called everytime the button box needs to be updated(incase of a filter) self.clearLayout() #clears layout for itemClass in self.toolbarButtonDict.keys(): self.diagAreaLayout.addWidget(self.toolbarLabelDict[itemClass]) for item in filter(filterFunc, self.toolbarButtonDict[itemClass].keys()): self.diagAreaLayout.addWidget(self.toolbarButtonDict[itemClass][item]) self.resize() def searchQuery(self): # shorten toolbaritems list with search items # self.populateToolbar() # populate with toolbar items text = self.searchBox.text() #get text if text == '': self.populateToolbar() # restore everything on empty string else: # use regex to search filter through button list and add the remainder to toolbar self.populateToolbar(lambda x: search(text, x, IGNORECASE)) def resize(self): # called when main window resizes, overloading resizeEvent caused issues. parent = self.parentWidget() #used to get parent dimensions self.layout.setDirection(QBoxLayout.TopToBottom) # here so that a horizontal toolbar can be implemented later # self.setFixedHeight(self.height()) #span available height self.searchBox.setMinimumWidth(.18*parent.width()) width = self.width() scrollBar = self.diagArea.verticalScrollBar() height = self.diagAreaLayout.heightForWidth(width) if scrollBar.isVisible(): width -= # the following line, sets the required height for the current width, so that blank space doesnt occur self.diagAreaWidget.setMinimumHeight(height) self.setMinimumWidth(.2*parent.width()) #12% of parent width # self.setMinimumWidth(self.diagAreaLayout.minimumSize().width()) #12% of parent width self.diagAreaWidget.setLayout(self.diagAreaLayout) self.diagArea.setWidget(self.diagAreaWidget) for _, label in self.toolbarLabelDict.items(): label.setFixedWidth(width) def resizeEvent(self, event): self.resize() def toolbarItems(self, itemClasses): #helper functions to create required buttons for itemClass in itemClasses: self.toolbarButtonDict[itemClass] = {} label = SectionLabel(itemClass) self.toolbarLabelDict[itemClass] = label for item in toolbarItems[itemClass].keys(): obj = toolbarItems[itemClass][item] button = toolbarButton(self, obj) button.clicked.connect(lambda : self.toolbuttonClicked.emit(obj)) self.toolbarButtonDict[itemClass][item] = button @property def toolbarItemList(self): #generator to iterate over all buttons for i in self.toolbarButtonDict.keys(): yield i class toolbarButton(QToolButton): """ Custom buttons for components that implements drag and drop functionality item -> dict from toolbarItems dict, had 4 properties, name, object, icon and default arguments. """ def __init__(self, parent = None, item = None): super(toolbarButton, self).__init__(parent) #uses fbs resource manager to get icons self.setIcon(QIcon(fileImporter('toolbar', item['icon']))) self.setIconSize(QSize(64, 64)) #unecessary but left for future references self.dragStartPosition = None #intialize value for drag event self.itemObject = item['object'] #refer current item object, to handle drag mime for i in item['args']: self.itemObject += f"/{i}" self.setText(item["name"]) #button text self.setToolTip(item["name"]) #button tooltip def mousePressEvent(self, event): #check if button was pressed or there was a drag intent super(toolbarButton, self).mousePressEvent(event) if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.dragStartPosition = event.pos() #set dragstart position def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): #handles drag if not (event.buttons() and Qt.LeftButton): return #ignore if left click is not held if (event.pos() - self.dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < return #check if mouse was dragged enough, manhattan length is a rough and quick method in qt drag = QDrag(self) #create drag object mimeData = QMimeData() #create drag mime mimeData.setText(self.itemObject) # set mime value for view to accept drag.setMimeData(mimeData) # attach mime to drag drag.exec(Qt.CopyAction) #execute drag def sizeHint(self): #defines button size return self.minimumSizeHint() def minimumSizeHint(self): #defines button size return QSize(55, 55) class SectionLabel(QLabel): def __init__(self, *args): super(SectionLabel, self).__init__(*args)