from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, QPointF from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QApplication from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QKeySequence, QTransform, QCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsItem, QUndoStack, QAction, QUndoView from .undo import * from .dialogs import showUndoDialog import shapes class CustomView(QGraphicsView): """ Defines custom QGraphicsView with zoom features and drag-drop accept event, overriding wheel event """ def __init__(self, scene = None, parent=None): if scene is not None: #overloaded constructor super(CustomView, self).__init__(scene, parent) else: super(CustomView, self).__init__(parent) self._zoom = 1 self.setDragMode(True) #sets pannable using mouse self.setAcceptDrops(True) #sets ability to accept drops #following four functions are required to be overridden for drag-drop functionality def dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent): #defines acceptable drop items if QDragEnterEvent.mimeData().hasText(): QDragEnterEvent.acceptProposedAction() def dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent): #defines acceptable drop items if QDragMoveEvent.mimeData().hasText(): QDragMoveEvent.acceptProposedAction() def dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent): #accept any drag leave event, avoid unnecessary logging QDragLeaveEvent.accept() def dropEvent(self, QDropEvent): #defines item drop, fetches text, creates corresponding QGraphicItem and adds it to scene if QDropEvent.mimeData().hasText(): #QDropEvent.mimeData().text() defines intended drop item, the pos values define position obj = QDropEvent.mimeData().text().replace(',', '').split('/') graphic = getattr(shapes, obj[0])(*map(lambda x: int(x) if x.isdigit() else x, obj[1:])) graphic.setPos(QDropEvent.pos().x(), QDropEvent.pos().y()) self.scene().addItemPlus(graphic) graphic.setParent(self) QDropEvent.acceptProposedAction() def wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent): #overload wheelevent, to zoom if control is pressed, else scroll normally if QWheelEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: #check if control is pressed if QWheelEvent.source() == Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized: #check if precision mouse(mac) # angle delta is 1/8th of a degree per scroll unit if self.zoom + QWheelEvent.angleDelta().y()/2880 > 0.1: # hit and trial value (2880) self.zoom += QWheelEvent.angleDelta().y()/2880 else: # precision delta is exactly equal to amount to scroll if self.zoom + QWheelEvent.pixelDelta().y() > 0.1: self.zoom += QWheelEvent.angleDelta().y() QWheelEvent.accept() # accept event so that scrolling doesnt happen simultaneously else: return super(CustomView, self).wheelEvent(QWheelEvent) # scroll if ctrl not pressed @property def zoom(self): # property for zoom return self._zoom @zoom.setter def zoom(self, value): # set scale according to zoom value being set temp = self.zoom self._zoom = value self.scale(self.zoom / temp, self.zoom / temp) class CustomScene(QGraphicsScene): """ Extends QGraphicsScene with undo-redo functionality """ labelAdded = pyqtSignal(shapes.QGraphicsItem) def __init__(self, *args, parent=None): super(CustomScene, self).__init__(*args, parent=parent) self.undoStack = QUndoStack(self) #Used to store undo-redo moves self.createActions() #creates necessary actions that need to be called for undo-redo def createActions(self): # helper function to create delete, undo and redo shortcuts self.deleteAction = QAction("Delete Item", self) self.deleteAction.setShortcut(Qt.Key_Delete) self.deleteAction.triggered.connect(self.deleteItem) self.undoAction = self.undoStack.createUndoAction(self, "Undo") self.undoAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Undo) self.redoAction = self.undoStack.createRedoAction(self, "Redo") self.redoAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Redo) def createUndoView(self, parent): # creates an undo stack view for current QGraphicsScene undoView = QUndoView(self.undoStack, parent) showUndoDialog(undoView, parent) def deleteItem(self): # (slot) used to delete all selected items, and add undo action for each of them if self.selectedItems(): for item in self.selectedItems(): if issubclass(item.__class__,shapes.NodeItem) or isinstance(item,shapes.Line): itemToDelete = item self.count = 0 if(issubclass(itemToDelete.__class__,shapes.NodeItem)): for i in itemToDelete.lineGripItems: for j in i.lines: self.count+=1 self.undoStack.push(deleteCommand(j, self)) self.undoStack.push(deleteCommand(itemToDelete, self)) def itemMoved(self, movedItem, lastPos): #item move event, checks if item is moved self.undoStack.push(moveCommand(movedItem, lastPos)) self.advance() def addItemPlus(self, item): # extended add item method, so that a corresponding undo action is also pushed self.undoStack.push(addCommand(item, self)) def mousePressEvent(self, event): bdsp = event.buttonDownScenePos(Qt.LeftButton) # Get click position point = QPointF(bdsp.x(), bdsp.y()) # Create a QPointF from click position itemList = self.items(point) # Get items at the specified point if itemList: item = itemList[0] # Select the first item in the list if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier: # Ctrl key is pressed, add item to the moving items list if item not in self.movingItems: self.movingItems.append(item) self.oldPositions[item] = item.pos() else: # Ctrl key is not pressed, clear the moving items list and selection self.movingItems.clear() self.clearSelection() item.setSelected(True) return super(CustomScene, self).mousePressEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: for item in self.movingItems: if self.oldPositions[item] != item.pos(): # Item position has changed, emit itemMoved signal self.itemMoved.emit(item, self.oldPositions[item]) self.movingItems.clear() # Clear the moving items list self.oldPositions.clear() # Clear the old positions dictionary return super(CustomScene, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent): if self.movingItems: # Move all selected items together for item in self.movingItems: newPos = item.pos() + mouseEvent.scenePos() - mouseEvent.lastScenePos() item.setPos(newPos) item = self.itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(), QTransform()) if isinstance(item, shapes.SizeGripItem): item.parentItem().showLineGripItem() return super(CustomScene, self).mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent) """def mousePressEvent(self, event): # overloaded mouse press event to check if an item was moved bdsp = event.buttonDownScenePos(Qt.LeftButton) #get click pos point = QPointF(bdsp.x(), bdsp.y()) #create a Qpoint from click pos itemList = self.items(point) #get items at said point self.movingItem = itemList[0] if itemList else None #set first item in list as moving item if self.movingItem and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.oldPos = self.movingItem.pos() #if left click is held, then store old pos self.clearSelection() #clears selected items return super(CustomScene, self).mousePressEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # overloaded mouse release event to check if an item was moved if self.movingItem and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.oldPos != self.movingItem.pos(): #if item pos had changed, when mouse was realeased, emit itemMoved signal self.itemMoved(self.movingItem, self.oldPos) self.movingItem = None #clear movingitem reference return super(CustomScene, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent): item = self.itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(), QTransform()) if isinstance(item,shapes.SizeGripItem): item.parentItem().showLineGripItem() super(CustomScene,self).mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent)""" def reInsertLines(self): currentIndex = self.undoStack.index() i = 2 skipper = 0 while i != self.count+2+skipper: currentCommand = self.undoStack.command(currentIndex-i) if not self.undoStack.text(currentIndex-i).__contains__('Move'): currentLine = currentCommand.diagramItem startGrip = currentCommand.startGripItem endGrip = currentCommand.endGripItem index_LineGripStart = currentCommand.indexLGS index_LineGripEnd = currentCommand.indexLGE startGrip.lineGripItems[index_LineGripStart].lines.append(currentLine) endGrip.lineGripItems[index_LineGripEnd].lines.append(currentLine) else: skipper+=1 self.undoStack.setIndex(currentIndex-i) i+=1