from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QPushButton, QFormLayout, QComboBox, QLabel, QMessageBox, QDialogButtonBox from .sizes import sheetDimensionList, ppiList class paperDims(QDialog): """ Utility dialog box to adjust the current canvas's dimensions, might return just dimensions later so that sizes do not need to be imported in every other module. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, size='A4', ppi='72', name='Canvas Size'): super(paperDims, self).__init__(parent) #store initial values to show currently set value, also updated when changed. these are returned at EOL self._canvasSize = size self._ppi = ppi self.setWindowTitle(name+" :Canvas Size") #Set Window Title #init layout dialogBoxLayout = QFormLayout(self) sizeComboBox = QComboBox() #combo box for paper sizes sizeComboBox.addItems(sheetDimensionList) sizeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(4) sizeComboBox.activated[str].connect(self.setCanvasSize) sizeLabel = QLabel("Canvas Size") sizeLabel.setBuddy(sizeComboBox) # label for the above combo box sizeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(sheetDimensionList.index(self._canvasSize)) #set index to current value of canvas dialogBoxLayout.setWidget(0, QFormLayout.LabelRole, sizeLabel) dialogBoxLayout.setWidget(0, QFormLayout.FieldRole, sizeComboBox) ppiComboBox = QComboBox() #combo box for ppis ppiComboBox.addItems(ppiList) ppiComboBox.activated[str].connect(self.setCanvasPPI) ppiLabel = QLabel("Canvas ppi") ppiLabel.setBuddy(ppiComboBox) # label for the above combo box ppiComboBox.setCurrentIndex(ppiList.index(self._ppi)) #set index to current value of canvas dialogBoxLayout.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.LabelRole, ppiLabel) dialogBoxLayout.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.FieldRole, ppiComboBox) # add ok and cancel buttons buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, self) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) dialogBoxLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(dialogBoxLayout) self.resize(300,100) #resize to a certain size def setCanvasSize(self, size): #for standard combo box behaviour self._canvasSize = size def setCanvasPPI(self, ppi): #for standard combo box behaviour self._ppi = ppi def exec_(self): #overload exec_ to add return values and delete itself(currently being tested) super(paperDims, self).exec_() self.deleteLater() #remove from memory #if ok was pressed return value else return None return (self._canvasSize, self._ppi) if self.result() else None def saveEvent(parent = None): #utility function to generate a Qt alert window requesting the user to save the file, returns user intention on window close alert = QMessageBox.question(parent, parent.objectName(), "All unsaved progress will be LOST!", QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save|QMessageBox.Ignore|QMessageBox.Cancel), QMessageBox.Save) if alert == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False else: if alert == QMessageBox.Save: if not parent.saveProject(): #the parent's saveProject method is called which returns false if saving was cancelled by the user return False return True