from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QPalette from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QFileDialog, QApplication, QHBoxLayout, QMenu, QTabWidget, QWidget, QSpacerItem, QStyle,) from . import dialogs from .graphics import customView, customScene from .data import paperSizes, ppiList, sheetDimensionList from .app import shapeGrips, lines import shapes class canvas(customView): """ Defines the work area for a single sheet. Contains a QGraphicScene along with necessary properties for context menu and dialogs. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, size= 'A0', ppi= '72' , parentMdiArea = None, parentFileWindow = None, landscape=True): super(canvas, self).__init__(parent=parent) #Store values for the canvas dimensions for ease of access, these are here just to be # manipulated by the setters and getters self._ppi = ppi self._canvasSize = size self._landscape = landscape # self.setFixedSize(parent.size()) #Create area for the graphic items to be placed, this is just here right now for the future # when we will draw items on this, this might be changed if QGraphicScene is subclassed. #set layout and background color self.painter = customScene() self.painter.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt.white)) #set white background self.setScene = self.painter #set initial paper size for the scene self.painter.setSceneRect(0, 0, *paperSizes[self._canvasSize][self._ppi]) self.parentMdiArea = parentMdiArea self.parentFileWindow = parentFileWindow def resizeView(self, w, h): #helper function to resize canvas self.painter.setSceneRect(0, 0, w, h) def adjustView(self): #utitily to adjust current diagram view width, height = self.dimensions frameWidth = self.frameWidth() #update view size self.setSceneRect(0, 0, width - frameWidth*2, height) def resizeEvent(self, event): #overloaded function to also view size on window update # self.adjustView() pass def setCanvasSize(self, size): """ extended setter for dialog box """ self.canvasSize = size def setCanvasPPI(self, ppi): """ extended setter for dialog box """ self.ppi = ppi @property def dimensions(self): #returns the dimension of the current scene return self.painter.sceneRect().width(), self.painter.sceneRect().height() @property def items(self): # generator to filter out certain items for i in self.painter.items(): yield i @property def canvasSize(self): return self._canvasSize @property def ppi(self): return self._ppi @property def landscape(self): return self._landscape @canvasSize.setter def canvasSize(self, size): self._canvasSize = size if self.painter: self.resizeView(*(sorted(paperSizes[self.canvasSize][self.ppi], reverse = self.landscape))) @ppi.setter def ppi(self, ppi): self._ppi = ppi if self.painter: self.resizeView(*(sorted(paperSizes[self.canvasSize][self.ppi], reverse = self.landscape))) @landscape.setter def landscape(self, bool): self._landscape = bool if self.painter: self.resizeView(*(sorted(paperSizes[self.canvasSize][self.ppi], reverse = self.landscape))) #following 2 methods are defined for correct pickling of the scene. may be changed to json or xml later so as # to not have a binary file. def __getstate__(self) -> dict: return { "_classname_": self.__class__.__name__, "ppi": self._ppi, "canvasSize": self._canvasSize, "ObjectName": self.objectName(), "symbols": [i for i in self.painter.items() if isinstance(i, shapes.NodeItem)], "lines": sorted([i for i in self.painter.items() if isinstance(i, shapes.Line)], key = lambda x: 1 if x.refLine else 0), "landscape": self.landscape } def __setstate__(self, dict): self._ppi = dict['ppi'] self._canvasSize = dict['canvasSize'] self.landscape = dict['landscape'] self.setObjectName(dict['ObjectName']) for item in dict['symbols']: graphic = getattr(shapes, item['_classname_'])() graphic.__setstate__(dict = item) self.painter.addItem(graphic) graphic.setPos(*item['pos']) graphic.updateLineGripItem() graphic.updateSizeGripItem() for gripitem in item['lineGripItems']: shapeGrips[gripitem[0]] = (graphic, gripitem[1]) if item['label']: graphicLabel = shapes.ItemLabel(pos = QPointF(*item['label']['pos']), parent = graphic) graphicLabel.__setstate__(item['label']) self.painter.addItem(graphicLabel) for item in dict['lines']: line = shapes.Line(QPointF(*item['startPoint']), QPointF(*item['endPoint'])) lines[item['id']] = line line.__setstate__(dict = item) self.painter.addItem(line) graphic, index = shapeGrips[item['startGripItem']] line.startGripItem = graphic.lineGripItems[index] graphic.lineGripItems[index].line = line if item['endGripItem']: graphic, index = shapeGrips[item['endGripItem']] line.endGripItem = graphic.lineGripItems[index] graphic.lineGripItems[index].line = line else: line.refLine = lines[item['refLine']] lines[item['refLine']].midLines.append(line) line.refIndex = item['refIndex'] for label in item['label']: labelItem = shapes.LineLabel(QPointF(*label['pos']), line) line.label.append(labelItem) labelItem.__setstate__(label) self.painter.addItem(labelItem) line.updateLine() line.addGrabber() shapeGrips.clear() lines.clear() self.painter.advance()