from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import (QEvent, QFile, QIODevice, QMimeData, QPointF, QRect, QRectF, QSizeF, Qt) from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QCursor, QDrag, QFont, QImage, QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QTransform, QTextCursor, QPainterPathStroker) from PyQt5.QtSvg import QGraphicsSvgItem, QSvgRenderer from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QGraphicsColorizeEffect, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPathItem, QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent, QLineEdit, QMenu, QGraphicsTextItem) from .line import Line, findIndex from import fileImporter # enum for all directions for line grip items directionsEnum = [ "top", "right", "bottom", "left" ] # orientation enum for size grip items orientationEnum = [ Qt.Horizontal, Qt.Vertical ] #For extending Lines for repositioned Rectangular Line Grips rLGPlus = {} f = open('./shapes/rLGPlus.txt','r') dataRead = f.readlines()[1:] for line in dataRead: if not line.__contains__(',') : rLGPlus[line.strip()] = [] else: grips = line.strip().split(',') rLGPlus[list(rLGPlus.keys())[-1]].append(grips) class ItemLabel(QGraphicsTextItem): """Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsPathItem to create text label for svg item """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.setPlainText("abc") # graphics setting for text label self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) # set initial no text interaction self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) # set initial position just below parent self.setPos(self.parentItem().boundingRect().bottomLeft()) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # make text editable self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction) self.setFocus() # set focus to text super(ItemLabel, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) def focusOutEvent(self, event): super(ItemLabel, self).focusOutEvent(event) self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) # make text not editable and thus movable def __getstate__(self): return { "text": self.toPlainText(), "pos": (self.pos().x(), self.pos().y()) } def __setstate__(self, dict): self.setPlainText(dict['text']) self.setPos(*dict['pos']) class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem): """ Extends QGraphicsPathItem to create the structure of the Grabbable points for resizing shapes and connecting lines. Takes two parameters, reference item (On which the grip items are to appear) and the path of the item """ def __init__(self, annotation_item, path, parent=None): """ Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsPathItem to create the general structure of the Grabbable points for resizing shapes. """ QGraphicsPathItem.__init__(self, parent) self.m_annotation_item = annotation_item # set path of item self.setPath(path) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ Automatically deselects grip item on mouse release """ self.setSelected(False) super(GripItem, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) class SizeGripItem(QGraphicsPathItem): """ Extends grip items for vertical and horizontal directions, with hover events and directional changes """ def __init__(self, index, direction=Qt.Horizontal, parent=None): super(SizeGripItem, self).__init__(parent=parent) # set graphical setting #self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.setZValue(2) # property direction self._direction = (orientationEnum.index(direction) + self.parentItem().rotation) % 4 self._m_index = index @property def m_index(self): return (self._m_index + self.parentItem().rotation) % 4 @property def direction(self): """ property that returns the current intended resize direction of the grip item object """ if self.parentItem().rotation % 2: return orientationEnum[(self._direction + 1)%2] else: return orientationEnum[self._direction] def updatePath(self,m_index): """updates path of size grip item """ bx = self.parentItem().boundingRect().x() by = self.parentItem().boundingRect().y() height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height() width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width() path = QPainterPath() if(m_index == 0):#top by = by+10 path.moveTo(bx+(width/2)-10,by) path.lineTo(bx+(width/2)+10,by) path.lineTo(bx+(width/2),by-20) path.lineTo(bx+(width/2)-10,by) if(m_index == 1):#left bx = bx+10 path.moveTo(bx,by+(height/2)-10) path.lineTo(bx,by+(height/2)+10) path.lineTo(bx-20,by+(height/2)) path.lineTo(bx,by+(height/2)-10) if(m_index == 2):#bottom by = by-10 path.moveTo(bx+(width/2)-10,by+height) path.lineTo (bx+(width/2)+10,by+height) path.lineTo (bx+(width/2),by+height+20) path.lineTo (bx+(width/2)-10,by+height) if(m_index == 3):#right bx = bx-10 path.moveTo(bx+width,by+(height/2)-10) path.lineTo(bx+width,by+(height/2)+10) path.lineTo(bx+width+20,by+(height/2)) path.lineTo(bx+width,by+(height/2)-10) self.setPath(path) def updatePosition(self): """updates position of grip items """ self.updatePath(self.m_index) pos = self.point(self.m_index) self.setEnabled(False) self.setPos(pos) self.setEnabled(True) def point(self, index): """ yields a list of positions of grip items in a node item """ width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width() height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height() if 0 <= index < 4: return [ QPointF(0, -height / 2), QPointF(-width / 2, 0), QPointF(0, height / 2), QPointF(width / 2, 0) ][index] def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): """ Changes cursor to horizontal resize or vertical resize depending on the direction of the grip item on mouse enter """ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal: self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor)) else: self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor)) super(SizeGripItem, self).hoverEnterEvent(event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): """ reverts cursor to default on mouse leave """ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) super(SizeGripItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event) def itemChange(self, change, value): """ Moves position of grip item on resize """ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.isEnabled(): p = QPointF(self.pos()) if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal: p.setX(value.x()) elif self.direction == Qt.Vertical: p.setY(value.y()) # Find change in positions movement = p - self.pos() # Set transform to oppose change in transformation due to parent transform = QTransform() transform.translate(-movement.x() / 2, -movement.y() / 2) self.setTransform(transform, True) self.parentItem().resize(self.m_index, movement) return p return super(SizeGripItem, self).itemChange(change, value) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): super(SizeGripItem, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) # Reset transform and update position self.resetTransform() self.updatePosition() # Make parent item move able self.parentItem().setFlag(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable, True) # If needed, to reset transform of parent set it's position accordingly # self.parentItem().setPos(self.parentItem().x() + self.parentItem().transform().dx(), self.parentItem().y() + self.parentItem().transform().dy()) # self.parentItem().resetTransform() def show(self): # make self visible self.setPen(QPen(QColor(128, 128, 128,150), 2)) super(SizeGripItem,self).show() def hide(self): # hide self by setting pen to transparent self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.setBrush(Qt.transparent) super(SizeGripItem,self).hide() class LineGripItem(QGraphicsPathItem): """Extends grip items for connecting lines , with hover events and mouse events """ circle = QPainterPath() circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-5, -5, 10, 10)) def __init__(self, index, grip, parent=None): super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.setPath( # set it's index on item self.m_index = index # store position of self self.position = QPointF(grip[0], grip[1]) # set location self._m_location = directionsEnum.index(grip[2]) # set size in case of rectangle grip self.size = grip[3] if len(grip) == 4 else None # stores current line which is in process self.tempLine = None # stores lines conected to it self.lines = [] # keep previous hovered item when line drawing in process self.previousHoveredItem = None # set graphical settings self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1)) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) @property def m_location(self): if self.parentItem().__class__ == Line: return directionsEnum[self._m_location] index = (self._m_location + self.parentItem().rotation) if index%2: index = (index + 2*self.parentItem().flipH)%4 else: index = (index + 2*self.parentItem().flipV)%4 return directionsEnum[index] @m_location.setter def m_location(self, location): self._m_location = directionsEnum.index(location) def shape(self): # return interactive path qp = QPainterPathStroker() qp.setWidth(8) # create outline of path path = qp.createStroke(self.path()) return path def paint(self, painter, option, widget): # draw path with outline of interactive area(shape) painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawPath(self.shape()) # draw outline painter.setBrush(self.brush()) # if rectangle grip if self.size: pen = self.pen() pen.setWidth(1) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawPath(self.path()) painter.restore() else: painter.drawPath(self.path()) def itemChange(self, change, value): """ Moves position of grip item on resize """ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and not self.scene(): # on removing from scene remove all lines connected to it for line in self.lines: if line.scene(): line.scene().removeItem(line) return super(LineGripItem, self).itemChange(change, value) def updatePosition(self): width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width() # width of parent height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height() # height of parent # if grip item is rectangle change it's path if self.size: rect_width = rect_height = 4 if self.m_location in ["left", "right"]: rect_height = (self.size * height) / 100 else: rect_width = (self.size * width) / 100 path = QPainterPath() # create path path.addRect(QRectF(-rect_width / 2, -rect_height / 2, rect_width, rect_height)) # add rect to path self.setPath(path) # set path to grip # position according to svg co-ordinate x = (self.position.x() * width) / 100 y = (self.position.y() * height) / 100 # change position into items coordinate x -= width / 2 y -= height / 2 y = -y self.setEnabled(False) self.setPos(QPointF(x, y)) # set pos of grip self.setEnabled(True) # update all lines connected to it for line in self.lines: line.updateLine() def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent): """Handle all mouse press for this item """ if mouseEvent.button() != Qt.LeftButton: return # initialize a line and add on scene # restrict circle grip to one line if self.size is None and len(self.lines) < 0: pass else: startPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos()) # first point of line mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos()) # position of mouse gap = 0 # distance from center of grip if self.size and self.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]: gap = (startPoint.x() - mpos.x()) / self.boundingRect().width() startPoint.setX(mpos.x()) elif self.size: gap = (startPoint.y() - mpos.y()) / self.boundingRect().height() startPoint.setY(mpos.y()) endPoint = startPoint self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint) # create a line object self.tempLine.startGap = gap # set gap to line self.scene().addItem(self.tempLine) # add line on scene super().mousePressEvent(mouseEvent) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent): """Handle all mouse move for this item """ # if line get started then update it's end point if self.tempLine: endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos() # mouse position self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint) # find item below cursor item = self.scene().itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(), QTransform()) # hide grip of previous hovered item if self.previousHoveredItem and item != self.previousHoveredItem and \ item not in self.previousHoveredItem.lineGripItems: self.previousHoveredItem.hideLineGripItem() #self.previousHoveredItem.hideSizeGripItem() super().mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent) # show grip of current hoverde item if isinstance(item, NodeItem): self.previousHoveredItem = item item.showLineGripItem() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent): """Handle all mouse release for this item""" super().mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent) # set final position of line if self.tempLine: tag = 0 items = self.scene().items(QPointF(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y())) for item in items: # end point on grip if type(item) == LineGripItem and item != self: endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos()) gap = 0 # restrict line to one grip if item.size is None and len(item.lines) > 0: break # in case of rectangle grip if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]: mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos()) gap = (endPoint.x() - mpos.x()) / item.boundingRect().width() endPoint.setX(mpos.x()) elif item.size: mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos()) gap = (endPoint.y() - mpos.y()) / item.boundingRect().height() endPoint.setY(mpos.y()) self.tempLine.endGap = gap self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self) self.tempLine.setEndGripItem(item) if self.tempLine.startGripItem.parentItem() != self.tempLine.endGripItem.parentItem(): # update line with end point so it sets final path self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint) #Adjusting line for repositioned retangular grips if self.parentItem().__class__.__name__ in list(rLGPlus.keys()): for tgrip in rLGPlus[self.parentItem().__class__.__name__]: if(float(tgrip[3]) == 0): if self.m_location == tgrip[0]: tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.tempLine.startPoint.setX(self.tempLine.startPoint.x()+tempx) self.tempLine.startPoint.setY(self.tempLine.startPoint.y()+tempy) else: if self.m_location == tgrip[0] and self.size == float(tgrip[3]): tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.tempLine.startPoint.setX(self.tempLine.startPoint.x()+tempx) self.tempLine.startPoint.setY(self.tempLine.startPoint.y()+tempy) if item.parentItem().__class__.__name__ in list(rLGPlus.keys()): for tgrip in rLGPlus[item.parentItem().__class__.__name__]: if(float(tgrip[3]) == 0): if item.m_location == tgrip[0]: tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.tempLine.endPoint.setX(self.tempLine.endPoint.x()+tempx) self.tempLine.endPoint.setY(self.tempLine.endPoint.y()+tempy) else: if item.m_location == tgrip[0] and item.size == float(tgrip[3]): tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.tempLine.endPoint.setX(self.tempLine.endPoint.x()+tempx) self.tempLine.endPoint.setY(self.tempLine.endPoint.y()+tempy) self.lines.append(self.tempLine) item.lines.append(self.tempLine) tag = 1 break # end point on line elif type(item) == Line and item != self.tempLine: self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self) endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos() self.tempLine.refLine = item self.tempLine.refIndex = findIndex(item, endPoint) # update line with end point so it sets final path self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint) item.midLines.append(self.tempLine) # stores temp line as mid line to other line self.lines.append(self.tempLine) tag = 1 break self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine) # remove temp line from scene # if line end point is on grip or line if tag: self.scene().addItemPlus(self.tempLine) # add line on scene self.tempLine = None self.previousHoveredItem = None def show(self): """ shows line grip item """ self.setPen(QPen(QColor(0,0,0,150), 1.5)) self.setBrush(QColor(140,199,198,255)) def hide(self): """ hides line grip item """ if not self.parentItem().isSelected(): self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent)) self.setBrush(Qt.transparent) class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem): """ Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsSvgItem to create the basic structure of shapes with given unit operation type """ def __init__(self, unitOperationType=None, parent=None): QGraphicsSvgItem.__init__(self, parent) self.m_type = str(unitOperationType) self.m_renderer = QSvgRenderer(fileImporter(f'{unitOperationType}.svg')) self.setSharedRenderer(self.m_renderer) # set initial size of item self.width = self.m_renderer.defaultSize().width() self.height = self.m_renderer.defaultSize().height() # set graphical settings for this item self.setFlags(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setZValue(2) # items connected to this item self.lineGripItems = [] self.sizeGripItems = [] self.label = None self._rotation = 0 self.flipState = [False, False] self.activateGrip = False @property def flipH(self): return self.flipState[0] @property def flipV(self): return self.flipState[1] def updateTransformation(self): # update transformation on flipstate or rotation change transform = QTransform() h = -1 if self.flipH else 1 w = -1 if self.flipV else 1 transform.rotate(90*self.rotation) transform.scale(h, w) self.setTransform(transform) self.setTransform(transform) for i in self.lineGripItems: i.setTransform(transform) i.updatePosition() @flipH.setter def flipH(self, state): self.flipState[0] = state self.updateTransformation() @flipV.setter def flipV(self, state): self.flipState[1] = state self.updateTransformation() @property def rotation(self): return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, rotation): self._rotation = rotation % 4 self.updateTransformation() def boundingRect(self): """Overrides QGraphicsSvgItem's boundingRect() virtual public function and returns a valid bounding """ return QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height) def paint(self, painter, option, widget): """ Paints the contents of an item in local coordinates. :param painter: QPainter instance :param option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem instance :param widget: QWidget instance """ # check if render is set if not self.m_renderer: QGraphicsSvgItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget) else: self.m_renderer.render(painter, self.boundingRect()) # render svg using painter def resize(self, index, movement): """Move grip item with changing rect of node item """ self.prepareGeometryChange() if index in [0, 1]: self.width -= movement.x() self.height -= movement.y() else: self.width += movement.x() self.height += movement.y() transform = QTransform() transform.translate(movement.x() / 2, movement.y() / 2) self.setTransform(transform, True) self.updateSizeGripItem([index]) def addGripItem(self): """adds grip items """ if self.scene(): # add grip for resizing for i, (direction) in enumerate( ( Qt.Vertical, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.Vertical, Qt.Horizontal, ) ): item = SizeGripItem(i, direction, parent=self) self.sizeGripItems.append(item) # add grip items for connecting lines for i in range(len(self.grips)): grip = self.grips[i] item = LineGripItem(i, grip, parent=self) self.lineGripItems.append(item) def updateLineGripItem(self): """ updates line grip items """ for item in self.lineGripItems: item.updatePosition() def updateSizeGripItem(self, index_no_updates=None): """ updates size grip items """ index_no_updates = index_no_updates or [] for i, item in enumerate(self.sizeGripItems): if i not in index_no_updates: item.updatePosition() def itemChange(self, change, value): """Overloads and extends QGraphicsSvgItem to also update grip items """ newPos = value # check if item selected is changed if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged: # show grips if selected if value is True: self.showLineGripItem() self.showSizeGripItem() else: self.hideLineGripItem() if not self.activateGrip: self.hideSizeGripItem() return # check if transform changed if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemTransformHasChanged: self.updateLineGripItem() return # check if position is changed if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged: # update grips self.updateLineGripItem() self.updateSizeGripItem() #restrict movable area of Node Item if self.parent() is not None: rect = self.parent().sceneRect() width = self.boundingRect().width() height = self.boundingRect().height() eWH1 = QPointF(newPos.x()+width,newPos.y()+height) eWH2 = QPointF(newPos.x()-width,newPos.y()-height) if not rect.__contains__(eWH1) or not rect.__contains__(eWH2) : newPos.setX(min(rect.right()-width+40, max(newPos.x(), rect.left()+90))) newPos.setY(min(rect.bottom()-height, max(newPos.y(), self.setPos(newPos) return super(NodeItem,self).itemChange(change, newPos) # check if item is add on scene if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and self.scene(): # add grips and update them self.addGripItem() self.updateLineGripItem() self.updateSizeGripItem() return return super(NodeItem, self).itemChange(change, value) def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): """defines shape highlighting on Mouse Over """ self.showLineGripItem() super(NodeItem, self).hoverEnterEvent(event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): """defines shape highlighting on Mouse Leave """ self.hideLineGripItem() #self.hideSizeGripItem() super(NodeItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): self.activateGrip = not self.activateGrip if self.activateGrip == False: self.hideSizeGripItem() self.parent().update() else: self.showSizeGripItem() super(NodeItem,self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) def showLineGripItem(self): """shows line grip items of svg item """ for item in self.lineGripItems: def hideLineGripItem(self): """hide line grip items of svg item """ for item in self.lineGripItems: item.hide() def showSizeGripItem(self): """shows size grip items of svg item """ for item in self.sizeGripItems: def hideSizeGripItem(self): """hide size grip items of svg item """ self.activateGrip = False for item in self.sizeGripItems: item.hide() def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Pop up menu :return: """ # create a menu and add action contextMenu = QMenu() contextMenu.addAction("Add Label", lambda : setattr(self, "label", ItemLabel(self))) contextMenu.addAction("Rotate right(E)", lambda : setattr(self, "rotation", self.rotation + 1)) contextMenu.addAction("Rotate left(Q)", lambda : setattr(self, "rotation", self.rotation - 1)) contextMenu.addAction("Flip Horizontally", lambda: setattr(self, "flipH", not self.flipH)) contextMenu.addAction("Flip Vertically", lambda: setattr(self, "flipV", not self.flipV)) action = contextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos()) def __getstate__(self): return { "_classname_": self.__class__.__name__, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "pos": (self.pos().x(), self.pos().y()), "lineGripItems": [(hex(id(i)), i.m_index) for i in self.lineGripItems], "label": self.label, "rotation": self.rotation, "flipstate": self.flipState } def __setstate__(self, dict): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.width = dict['width'] self.height = dict['height'] self.updateSizeGripItem() class InflowLine(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(InflowLine, self).__init__("svg/Piping/Inflow Line") self.grips = [ [100, 50, "right"] ] class OutflowLine(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(OutflowLine, self).__init__("svg/Piping/Outflow Line") self.grips = [ [0, 50, "left"] ] class DuplexPump(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(DuplexPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Duplex Pump") self.grips = [ [100, 68.8031698, "right"], [0, 88.1365808, "left"] ] class PlungerPump(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(PlungerPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Plunger Pump") self.grips = [ [87.0328592, 100, "top"], [87.0328592, 0, "bottom"] ] class ProportioningPump(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ProportioningPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Proportioning Pump") self.grips = [ [100, 83.0966226, "right"], [0, 83.0966226, "left"] ] class ReciprocatingPump(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ReciprocatingPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Reciprocating Pump") self.grips = [ [100, 78.3969475, "right"], [0, 78.3969475, "left"] ] class BlowingEgg(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(BlowingEgg, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Blowing Egg") self.grips = [ [15.2887853, 56.4147177, "top"], [84.7112147, 56.4147177, "top"] ] class EjectorVaporService(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(EjectorVaporService, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Ejector(Vapor Service)") self.grips = [ [18, 100, "top"], [0, 50, "left"], [100, 50, "right"] ] class HandPumpWithDrum(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(HandPumpWithDrum, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Hand Pump with Drum") self.grips = [ [92.8093483, 70.60413752309337, "right"], [7.913824600849647, 70.60413752309337, "left"], [4.136894788615162, 86.9886362, "left"] ] class CentrifugalCompressor(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(CentrifugalCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Centrifugal Compressor") self.grips = [ [41.316753407496, 89.824108247573, "top"], [62.0517030576456, 79.183192150093, "top"], [41.316753407496, 6.447877022097, "bottom"], [62.0517030576456, 16.14847772052, "bottom"] ] class EjectorCompressor(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(EjectorCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Ejector Compressor") self.grips = [ [13.1018813062, 100, "top"], [0, 50, "left"], [100, 50, "right"] ] class Fan(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Fan, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Fan") self.grips = [ [50, 79.92762310350343, "top"], [0, 79.92762310350343, "left"], [100, 79.92762310350343, "right"] ] class PositiveDisplacementCompressor(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(PositiveDisplacementCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Positive Displacement Compressor") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [21.15509548928236, 30, "left"], [79.57853462426666, 30, "right"] ] class ReciprocatingCompressor(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ReciprocatingCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Reciprocating Compressor") self.grips = [ [22.85680252121469, 83, "left"], [46.81088180183039, 83, "right"] ] class Turbine(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Turbine, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Turbine") self.grips = [ [18.06209745144267, 79.11931909160472, "top"], [45.2091373550176, 91.385325275219, "top"], [18.06209745144267, 16.41537491819628, "bottom"], [45.2091373550176, 4.5725942986116, "bottom"] ] class OilGasOrPulverizedFuelFurnace(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(OilGasOrPulverizedFuelFurnace, self).__init__( "svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Oil Gas or Pulverized Fuel Furnace") self.grips = [ [58.27673386073162, 100, "top"], [0, 19.692723451106, "left"], [17.2777337415748-5, 33.3944873323144, "left", 66.7889746646288], [100+5, 33.3944873323144, "right", 66.7889746646288], [57.9723659874, 0-10, "bottom", 81.389264491796] ] class SolidFuelFurnace(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(SolidFuelFurnace, self).__init__("svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Solid Fuel Furnace") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0-5, 33.39352642259468, "left", 66.78705284518936], [100+5, 33.39352642259468, "right", 66.78705284518936], [50, 0-10, "bottom", 100] ] class Exchanger905(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Exchanger905, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/905Exchanger") self.grips = [ [15.85, 13.5, "bottom", 11.21], [60.5, 13.5, "bottom", 55.33], [15.85, 88.88, "top", 11.21], [60.5, 88.88, "top", 55.33] ] class KettleReboiler907(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(KettleReboiler907, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/907Kettle Reboiler") self.grips = [ [18, 20.33, "bottom", 18], [70, 20.33, "bottom", 40.33], [18, 75, "top", 18], [70, 96, "top", 40.33] ] class Exchanger(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Exchanger, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Exchanger") self.grips = [ [100, 31.74474612706027, "right"], [100, 62.70549343934227, "right"], [35.66, 100, "top"], [36.66, 0, "bottom"] ] class HeatExchanger(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(HeatExchanger, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Heat Exchanger") self.grips = [ [0, 47.14356681569796, "left"], [100, 47.14356681569796, "right"], [50.92839727035332, 100, "top"], [50.92839727035332, 0, "bottom"] ] class ImmersionCoil(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ImmersionCoil, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Immersion Coil") self.grips = [ [44.56276981957, 100, "top"], [88.232463407718, 100, "top"] ] class KettleReboiler(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(KettleReboiler, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Kettle Reboiler") self.grips = [ [100, 26.3, "right"], [0, 26.3, "left"], [50, 100, "top"], [50, 0, "bottom"] ] class HorizontalVessel(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(HorizontalVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Horizontal Vessel") self.grips = [ [50, 100+10, "top", 87.08554680344], [0, 50, "left"], [100, 50, "right"], [50, 0-10, "bottom", 87.08554680344] ] class PackedVessel(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(PackedVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Packed Vessel") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0-10, 50, "left", 86.703566201060], [100+10, 50, "right", 86.703566201060], [50, 0, "bottom"] ] class TraysOrPlates(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(TraysOrPlates, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Trays or plates") self.grips = [ ] class VerticalVessel(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(VerticalVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Vertical Vessel") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0-10, 50, "left", 86.703566201060], [100+10, 50, "right", 86.703566201060], [50, 0, "bottom"] ] class Separators(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Separators, self).__init__("svg/Separators/Separators for Liquids, Decanter") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top", 100], [0, 50, "left", 100], [100, 50, "right", 100], [50, 0, "bottom", 100] ] class FixedRoofTank(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(FixedRoofTank, self).__init__("svg/Storage Vessels Tanks/Fixed Roof Tank") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0-6, 50, "left", 100], [100+7, 50, "right", 100], [50, 0-10, "bottom", 100] ] class FloatingRoofTank(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(FloatingRoofTank, self).__init__("svg/Storage Vessels Tanks/Floating Roof Tank") self.grips = [ [0-7, 50, "left", 100], [100+7, 50, "right", 100], [50, 0-10, "bottom", 100] ] class SeparatorsForLiquidsDecanter(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(SeparatorsForLiquidsDecanter, self).__init__("svg/Separators/Separators for Liquids, Decanter") self.grips = [ [50, 100+10, "top", 100], [0-10, 50, "left", 100], [100+10, 50, "right", 100], [50, 0-10, "bottom", 100] ] class GateValve(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(GateValve, self).__init__("svg/Valves/Gate Valve") self.grips = [ [0, 50, "left"], [100, 50, "right"] ] class CentrifugalPump(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(CentrifugalPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Centrifugal Pump") self.grips = [ [100, 97.2, "right"], [0, 58.78, "left"] ] class OneCellFiredHeaterFurnace(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(OneCellFiredHeaterFurnace, self).__init__("svg/Furnaces and Boilers/One Cell Fired Heater, Furnace") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0, 28, "left", 45], [25, 87.5, "left", 25], [100, 28, "right", 45], [75, 87.5, "right", 25], [50, 0-5, "bottom", 100] ] class TwoCellFiredHeaterFurnace(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(TwoCellFiredHeaterFurnace, self).__init__("svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Two Cell Fired Heater, Furnace") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [0-5, 33.33, "left", 66.66], [33.33, 91.66, "left", 16.66], [100+5, 33.33, "right", 66.66], [66.66, 91.66, "right", 16.66], [16.67, 0-10, "bottom", 33.33], [83.33, 0-10, "bottom", 33.33] ] class ReducerExpander(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ReducerExpander, self).__init__("svg/Fittings/Reducer, Expander") self.grips = [ [100, 50, "right"], [0, 50, "left"] ] class Filter(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(Filter, self).__init__("svg/Fittings/Filter") self.grips = [ [0, 50, "left"], [100, 50, "right"] ] class ContinuousDryer(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(ContinuousDryer, self).__init__("svg/Dryers/Continuous Dryer") self.grips = [ [8.13, 35.2, "top"], [98.9, 28, "bottom"], [50, 100+10, "top", 60.13] ] class JawCrusher(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(JawCrusher, self).__init__("svg/Size Reduction Equipements/Jaw Crusher") self.grips = [ [79.65, 100, "top"], [0, 0, "bottom"] ] class RollerCrusher(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(RollerCrusher, self).__init__("svg/Size Reduction Equipements/Roller Crusher") self.grips = [ [50, 100, "top"], [50, 0, "bottom"] ] class GeneralSymbol(NodeItem): def __init__(self): super(GeneralSymbol, self).__init__("svg/Feeders/General Symbol") self.grips = [ [20, 100, "top"], [80, 0, "bottom"] ]