import math from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QPainterPath, QBrush, QPainterPathStroker, QPainter, QCursor, QPolygonF from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPathItem, QGraphicsTextItem, QMenu, QGraphicsLineItem from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, QRectF, QLineF, pyqtSignal from collections import defaultdict #For extending Lines for repositioned Rectangular Line Grips rLGPlus = {} f = open('./shapes/rLGPlus.txt','r') dataRead = f.readlines()[1:] for line in dataRead: if not line.__contains__(',') : rLGPlus[line.strip()] = [] else: grips = line.strip().split(',') rLGPlus[list(rLGPlus.keys())[-1]].append(grips) class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem): """ Extends QGraphicsPathItem to create grabber for line for moving a particular segment """ circle = QPainterPath() circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-5, -5, 10, 10)) def __init__(self, annotation_line, index, direction): super(Grabber, self).__init__() # store line to which it connects self.m_annotation_item = annotation_line # index of first point of segment of above line self.m_index = index self.direction = direction self.setPath( # set graphical settings for this item self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) # initially make invisible self.pen = QPen(Qt.white, -1, Qt.SolidLine) self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent) def itemChange(self, change, value): """ move position of grabber after resize""" if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.isEnabled(): p = QPointF(self.pos()) if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal: p.setX(value.x()) if self.parentItem().refLine and self.m_index == len(self.parentItem().points) - 2: points = self.parentItem().refLine.points point1 = points[self.parentItem().refIndex] point2 = points[self.parentItem().refIndex + 1] point1 = self.parentItem().mapFromItem(self.parentItem().refLine, point1) point2 = self.parentItem().mapFromItem(self.parentItem().refLine, point2) if p.x() < min(point1.x(), point2.x()): p.setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x())) elif p.x() > max(point1.x(), point2.x()): p.setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x())) elif self.direction == Qt.Vertical: p.setY(value.y()) if self.parentItem().refLine and self.m_index == len(self.parentItem().points) - 2: points = self.parentItem().refLine.points point1 = points[self.parentItem().refIndex] point2 = points[self.parentItem().refIndex + 1] point1 = self.parentItem().mapFromItem(self.parentItem().refLine, point1) point2 = self.parentItem().mapFromItem(self.parentItem().refLine, point2) if p.y() < min(point1.y(), point2.y()): p.setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y())) elif p.y() > max(point1.y(), point2.y()): p.setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y())) movement = p - self.pos() self.m_annotation_item.movePoints(self.m_index, movement) return p return super(Grabber, self).itemChange(change, value) def paint(self, painter, option, widget): """paints the path of grabber only if it is selected """ if self.isSelected() and not self.m_annotation_item.isSelected(): # show parent line of grabber self.m_annotation_item.setSelected(True) painter.setBrush(self.brush) painter.setPen(self.pen) painter.drawPath(self.path()) def shape(self): """Overrides shape method and set shape to segment on which grabber is located""" index = self.m_index # take start and end point of segment startPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index]) endPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index + 1]) # map in grabber's co-ordinate startPoint = self.mapFromParent(startPoint) endPoint = self.mapFromParent(endPoint) # create path as line path = QPainterPath(startPoint) path.lineTo(endPoint) # generate outlines for path stroke = QPainterPathStroker() stroke.setWidth(8) return stroke.createStroke(path) def boundingRect(self): return self.shape().boundingRect() def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): """ Changes cursor to horizontal movement or vertical movement depending on the direction of the grabber on mouse enter """ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal: self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SplitHCursor)) else: self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SplitVCursor)) super(Grabber, self).hoverEnterEvent(event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): """ reverts cursor to default on mouse leave """ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) super(Grabber, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event) def show(self): # set pen to show self.pen = QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine) self.brush = QBrush(Qt.cyan) def hide(self): # set pen to transparent self.pen = QPen(Qt.white, -1, Qt.SolidLine) self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent) class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem): nameChanged = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, pos, parent=None): super(LineLabel, self).__init__() # initial text self.setPlainText("abc") # stores index of first point of segment self.index = None # distance from line segment = None # set graphical setting self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable) self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) # set center of text label at mouse pos self.setPos(pos - self.boundingRect().center()) self.setParentItem(parent) # add line item to test label self.line = QGraphicsLineItem() self.line.setParentItem(self) self.line.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) self.line.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemStacksBehindParent) # reset position of line self.resetPos() self.values = defaultdict(lambda: 0) def paint(self, painter, option, widget): # draw ellipse shape # save painter painter.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) # set pen to painter painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white)) # set brush painter.drawEllipse(self.boundingRect()) # draw ellipse painter.restore() # restore painter as before drawing ellipse super(LineLabel, self).paint(painter, option, widget) def updateLabel(self): # finds new position on segment offset = # distance from segment points = self.parentItem().points # points of line firstPoint = points[self.index] # first point of segment on which label is attached endPoint = points[self.index + 1] # second point center = self.mapToParent(self.boundingRect().center()) newPos = center # if segment is vertical if firstPoint.x() == endPoint.x(): newPos.setX(firstPoint.x() + if min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()) > newPos.y(): newPos.setY(min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y())) elif newPos.y() > max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()): newPos.setY(max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y())) # segment is horizontal elif firstPoint.y() == endPoint.y(): newPos.setY(firstPoint.y() + if min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()) > newPos.x(): newPos.setX(min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x())) elif newPos.x() > max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()): newPos.setX(max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x())) # transfer center positon to top left newPos -= QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2) self.setPos(newPos) def resetPos(self): """ finds the segment of line on which mouse is clicked for adding label and resets it's position on that segment """ points = self.parentItem().points min_A = QPointF() min_B = QPointF() min_dis = math.inf for i in range(len(points) - 1): A = points[i] B = points[i + 1] C = QPointF(self.pos() + self.boundingRect().center()) BAx = B.x() - A.x() BAy = B.y() - A.y() CAx = C.x() - A.x() CAy = C.y() - A.y() length = math.sqrt(BAx * BAx + BAy * BAy) if BAx == 0: if not min(A.y(), B.y()) <= C.y() <= max(A.y(), B.y()): continue if BAy == 0: if not min(A.x(), B.x()) <= C.x() <= max(A.x(), B.x()): continue if length > 0: dis = (BAx * CAy - CAx * BAy) / length if abs(dis) < abs(min_dis): min_dis = dis min_A = A min_B = B self.index = i point = self.mapFromScene(min_A) if min_A.x() == min_B.x(): self.setPos(self.parentItem().mapFromScene(QPointF(min_A.x() + 10, self.y()))) = 10 + self.boundingRect().width() / 2 else: self.setPos(self.parentItem().mapFromScene(QPointF(self.x(), min_A.y() - 30))) = -30 + self.boundingRect().height() / 2 def itemChange(self, change, value): # if position of label changes if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.scene(): newPos = QPointF(value) # new position newPos += QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2) # pos of center points = self.parentItem().points firstPoint = points[self.index] endPoint = points[self.index + 1] if firstPoint.x() == endPoint.x(): if min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()) > newPos.y(): newPos.setY(min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y())) elif newPos.y() > max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()): newPos.setY(max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y())) elif firstPoint.y() == endPoint.y(): if min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()) > newPos.x(): newPos.setX(min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x())) elif newPos.x() > max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()): newPos.setX(max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x())) newPos -= QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2) # change center pos to top-left return newPos if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged and self.scene(): self.updateGap() self.updateLine() return return super(LineLabel, self).itemChange(change, value) def updateGap(self): # updates distance of line from it's connection segment points = self.parentItem().points firstPoint = points[self.index] endPoint = points[self.index + 1] firstPoint = self.mapFromParent(firstPoint) endPoint = self.mapFromParent(endPoint) center = self.boundingRect().center() if firstPoint.x() == endPoint.x(): = center.x() - firstPoint.x() else: = center.y() - firstPoint.y() def updateLine(self): # updates line item of label points = self.parentItem().points firstPoint = points[self.index] endPoint = points[self.index + 1] point = self.mapFromParent(firstPoint) center = self.boundingRect().center() if firstPoint.x() == endPoint.x(): self.line.setLine(center.x(), center.y(), point.x(), center.y()) else: self.line.setLine(center.x(), center.y(), center.x(), point.y()) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # set text editable self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction) self.setFocus() super(LineLabel, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) def focusOutEvent(self, event): super(LineLabel, self).focusOutEvent(event) self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) # set text non interactive self.nameChanged.emit() def __getstate__(self): return { "text": self.toPlainText(), "index": self.index, "gap":, "pos": (self.pos().x(), self.pos().y()), "values": self.values } def __setstate__(self, dict): self.setPlainText(dict['text']) self.index = dict['index'] = dict['gap'] for key, value in dict['values'].items(): self.values[key] = value def findIndex(line, pos): # finds index of first point of segment of line which is nearer to given position points = line.points min_A = QPointF() min_B = QPointF() min_dis = math.inf index = -1 # iterating over points of line for i in range(len(points) - 1): A = points[i] B = points[i + 1] C = pos BAx = B.x() - A.x() BAy = B.y() - A.y() CAx = C.x() - A.x() CAy = C.y() - A.y() length = math.sqrt(BAx * BAx + BAy * BAy) # length of segment if BAx == 0: if not min(A.y(), B.y()) <= C.y() <= max(A.y(), B.y()): continue if BAy == 0: if not min(A.x(), B.x()) <= C.x() <= max(A.x(), B.x()): continue if length > 0: dis = (BAx * CAy - CAx * BAy) / length if abs(dis) < abs(min_dis): min_dis = dis min_A = A min_B = B index = i return index class Line(QGraphicsPathItem): """ Extends QGraphicsPathItem to draw zig-zag line consisting of multiple points """ def __init__(self, startPoint, endPoint, **args): QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, **args) # store startpoint and endpoint of line self.startPoint = startPoint self.endPoint = endPoint # stores all points of line self.points = [] # stores grips of line self.startGripItem = None self.endGripItem = None self.m_grabbers = [] # set graphical settings for line self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) # store reference if line connect another line self.refLine = None # reference line self.refIndex = None # start index of segment to which it connects self.commonPathsCenters = [] self.midLines = [] self.label = [] # if line point on rectangle grip self.startGap = None # distance from center of start grip self.endGap = None # distance from center of end grip def boundingRect(self): # adjust bounding rect such that it contains intersection curve and arrow rect = self.shape().boundingRect() rect.adjust(-10, -10, 10, 10) return rect def advance(self, phase): """ called by scene when item moves or updates on scene """ if not phase: return # fine collision with line in ascending order items = self.scene().items(self.shape(), Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.AscendingOrder) self.commonPathsCenters = [] # remove all previous interaction # if item is line and stacked above for item in items: if type(item) in [type(self)]: if item == self: break shape = item.shape() # shape of item shape = self.mapFromItem(item, item.shape()) # map shape to self commonPath = self.shape().intersected(shape) # find common path btw lines polygons = commonPath.toSubpathPolygons() # chane common path to polygon for polygon in polygons: center = polygon.boundingRect().center() # center of polygon # if collision is btw perpendicular line if polygon.size() == 5: # ignore collision if other line has end point on this line if item.refLine: i = len(item.points) - 2 x1, y1 = item.points[i].x(), item.points[i].y() x2, y2 = item.points[i + 1].x(), item.points[i + 1].y() x, y = center.x(), center.y() if x == x1 == x2 and not min(y1, y2) + 8 <= y < max(y1, y2) - 8: continue elif y == y1 == y2 and not min(x1, x2) + 8 <= x < max(x1, x2) - 8: continue else: self.commonPathsCenters.append(center) else: self.commonPathsCenters.append(center) self.update() def paint(self, painter, option, widget): color = if self.isSelected() else painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint) # start path # iterating over all points of line for i in range(len(self.points) - 1): x1, y1 = self.points[i].x(), self.points[i].y() x2, y2 = self.points[i + 1].x(), self.points[i + 1].y() for point in sorted(self.commonPathsCenters, key=lambda x: x.x() + x.y(), reverse=x2 < x1 or y2 < y1): x, y = point.x(), point.y() if x == x1 == x2: # vertical if min(y1, y2) + 8 <= y < max(y1, y2) - 8: if y2 > y1: path.lineTo(point - QPointF(0, 8)) path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), 90, -180) path.moveTo(point + QPointF(0, 8)) else: path.lineTo(point + QPointF(0, 8)) path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), -90, 180) path.moveTo(point - QPointF(0, 8)) elif y == y1 == y2: # horizontal if min(x1, x2) + 8 <= x < max(x1, x2) - 8: if x2 > x1: path.lineTo(point - QPointF(8, 0)) path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), 180, 180) path.moveTo(point + QPointF(8, 0)) else: path.lineTo(point + QPointF(8, 0)) path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), 0, -180) path.lineTo(point - QPointF(8, 0)) path.lineTo(self.points[i + 1]) # draw arrow in last segment if i == len(self.points) - 2: arrow_size = 20.0 line = QLineF(self.points[i], self.points[i + 1]) if line.length() < 20: continue angle = math.acos(line.dx() / line.length()) if line.dy() >= 0: angle = (math.pi * 2) - angle arrow_p1 = line.p2() - QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size, math.cos(angle + math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size) arrow_p2 = line.p2() - QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size, math.cos(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size) arrowHead = QPolygonF() arrowHead.append(line.p2()) arrowHead.append(arrow_p1) arrowHead.append(arrow_p2) painter.setBrush( painter.drawPolygon(arrowHead) painter.restore() painter.drawPath(path) # draw final path def createPath(self): """ creates initial path and stores it's points :return: """ offset = 30 x0, y0 = self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y() x1, y1 = self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y() # create path for line in process self.points = [self.startPoint, QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, y0), QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, y1), self.endPoint] # final path of line if self.refLine: # line has end point on other line from .shapes import LineGripItem direction = "left" points = self.refLine.points point1 = points[self.refIndex] point2 = points[self.refIndex + 1] if point1.x() == point2.x(): if point1.x() < self.startPoint.x(): direction = "right" else: direction = "left" elif point1.y() == point2.y(): if point1.y() > self.startPoint.y(): direction = "top" else: direction = "bottom" self.endGripItem = LineGripItem(-1, [0, 0, direction], self) self.endGripItem.setPos(self.endPoint) if self.startGripItem and self.endGripItem: # determine ns (point next to start) item = self.startGripItem if item.m_location == "top": ns = QPointF(self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y() - offset) elif item.m_location == "left": ns = QPointF(self.startPoint.x() - offset, self.startPoint.y()) elif item.m_location == "bottom": ns = QPointF(self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y() + offset) else: ns = QPointF(self.startPoint.x() + offset, self.startPoint.y()) # determine pe (point previous to end) item = self.endGripItem if item.m_location == "top": pe = QPointF(self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y() - offset) elif item.m_location == "left": pe = QPointF(self.endPoint.x() - offset, self.endPoint.y()) elif item.m_location == "bottom": pe = QPointF(self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y() + offset) else: pe = QPointF(self.endPoint.x() + offset, self.endPoint.y()) start = self.startPoint end = self.endPoint sitem = self.startGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.startGripItem.parentItem().boundingRect()) eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.endGripItem.parentItem().boundingRect()) if self.refLine: eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0)) if self.startGripItem.m_location in ["right"]: if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["top"]: if start.x() + offset < end.x(): if start.y() + offset < end.y(): self.points = [start, QPointF(end.x(), start.y()), end] else: if start.x() + offset < eitem.left() - offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] else: x = max(eitem.right() + offset, ns.x()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif sitem.left() > end.x(): if sitem.bottom() + offset < end.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] elif - offset < end.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), - offset), QPointF(pe.x(), - offset), end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] if start.y() > end.y(): x = max(eitem.right() + offset, ns.x()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]: if start.x() + offset < eitem.left(): if start.y() - offset < end.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] else: self.points = [start, QPointF(end.x(), start.y()), end] elif sitem.left() > end.x(): if sitem.bottom() + offset < end.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] elif - offset < end.y(): y = max(pe.y(), sitem.bottom() + offset) self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end] if start.y() < end.y(): x = max(eitem.right() + offset, ns.x()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["right"]: x = max(start.x() + offset, pe.x()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, end.y()), end] if start.x() + offset < if start.y() + offset > and end.y() >= start.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif start.y() - offset < eitem.bottom() and end.y() <= start.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), eitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), eitem.bottom()), pe, end] elif - offset < end.y() < sitem.bottom() + offset: if end.y() < start.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), sitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), sitem.bottom()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["left"]: self.points = [start, QPointF((start.x() + end.x()) / 2, start.y()), QPointF((start.x() + end.x()) / 2, end.y()), end] if end.x() < start.x() + offset: if eitem.bottom() <= - offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif >= sitem.bottom() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), sitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), sitem.bottom()), pe, end] elif end.y() <= start.y(): y = min(, self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] else: y = max(eitem.bottom(), sitem.bottom()) self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] elif self.startGripItem.m_location in ["left"]: if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["top"]: if start.x() + offset < eitem.left(): if end.y() > sitem.bottom() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), sitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), sitem.bottom()), end] else: y = min(, pe.y()) self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), end] elif eitem.right() >= start.x() - offset: x = min(ns.x(), eitem.left()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] else: if end.y() >= start.y() + offset: self.points = [start, QPointF(end.x(), start.y()), end] else: x = (start.x() + end.x()) / 2 self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]: if start.x() + offset < eitem.left(): if end.y() < - offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, end] else: y = max(sitem.bottom(), pe.y()) self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), end] elif eitem.right() >= start.x() - offset: x = min(ns.x(), eitem.left()) self.points = [start, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] else: if end.y() <= start.y() - offset: self.points = [start, QPointF(end.x(), start.y()), end] else: x = (start.x() + end.x()) / 2 self.points = [start, QPointF(x, start.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["right"]: self.points = [start, QPointF((start.x() + end.x()) / 2, start.y()), QPointF((start.x() + end.x()) / 2, end.y()), end] if end.x() > start.x() + offset: if eitem.bottom() <= - offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif >= sitem.bottom() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), sitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), sitem.bottom()), pe, end] elif end.y() <= start.y(): y = min(, self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] else: y = max(eitem.bottom(), sitem.bottom()) self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["left"]: self.points = [start, QPointF(pe.x(), start.y()), pe, end] if start.x() + offset < end.x(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), end.y()), end] if sitem.bottom() + offset > end.y() > - offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif - offset < start.y() < eitem.bottom() + offset: if end.y() > start.y(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] else: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), eitem.bottom()), QPointF(pe.x(), eitem.bottom()), pe, end] elif self.startGripItem.m_location in ["top"]: if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["top"]: self.points = [self.startPoint, QPointF(start.x(), pe.y()), pe, self.endPoint] if start.y() < end.y(): self.points = [self.startPoint, ns, QPointF(pe.x(), ns.y()), self.endPoint] if sitem.right() > end.x() > sitem.left() or eitem.right() > start.x() > eitem.left(): x = max(sitem.right(), eitem.right()) x += offset if start.x() > end.x(): x = min(sitem.left(), eitem.left()) x -= offset self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]: self.points = [self.startPoint, ns, QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, ns.y()), QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, pe.y()), pe, self.endPoint] if start.y() - offset > end.y(): self.points = [start, QPointF(start.x(), (y0 + y1) / 2), QPointF(end.x(), (y0 + y1) / 2), self.endPoint] elif sitem.right() > end.x() > sitem.left() or eitem.right() > start.x() > eitem.left(): x = max(sitem.right(), eitem.right()) x += offset if start.x() > end.x(): x = min(sitem.left(), eitem.left()) x -= offset self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["right"]: y = min(ns.y(), eitem.bottom() + offset) self.points = [start, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] if sitem.left() - offset < end.x() < sitem.right() + offset and end.y() > start.y() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(sitem.right() + offset, ns.y()), QPointF(sitem.right() + offset, pe.y()), end] elif < start.y() - offset < eitem.bottom(): self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(start.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["left"]: y = min(ns.y(), eitem.bottom() + offset) self.points = [start, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] if sitem.left() - offset < end.x() < sitem.right() + offset and end.y() > start.y() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(sitem.left() - offset, ns.y()), QPointF(sitem.left() - offset, pe.y()), end] elif < start.y() - offset < eitem.bottom(): self.points = [start, QPointF(start.x(),, QPointF(pe.x(),, pe, end] elif self.startGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]: if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["top"]: self.points = [self.startPoint, ns, QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, ns.y()), QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, pe.y()), pe, self.endPoint] if start.y() < end.y(): self.points = [self.startPoint, ns, QPointF(pe.x(), ns.y()), self.endPoint] if sitem.right() > end.x() > sitem.left() or eitem.right() > start.x() > eitem.left(): x = max(sitem.right(), eitem.right()) x += offset self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]: self.points = [self.startPoint, ns, QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, ns.y()), QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, pe.y()), pe, self.endPoint] if sitem.right() > end.x() > sitem.left() or eitem.right() > start.x() > eitem.left(): x = max(sitem.right(), eitem.right()) x += offset self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(x, ns.y()), QPointF(x, pe.y()), pe, end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["right"]: y = max(ns.y(), eitem.bottom() + offset) self.points = [start, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] if sitem.left() - offset < end.x() < sitem.right() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(sitem.right() + offset, ns.y()), QPointF(sitem.right() + offset, pe.y()), end] elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["left"]: y = max(ns.y(), eitem.bottom() + offset) self.points = [start, QPointF(ns.x(), y), QPointF(pe.x(), y), pe, end] if sitem.left() - offset < end.x() < sitem.right() + offset: self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(sitem.left() - offset, ns.y()), QPointF(sitem.left() - offset, pe.y()), end] # path of line path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint) for i in range(1, len(self.points)): path.lineTo(self.points[i]) self.setPath(path) if self.refLine: # remove added grip self.scene().removeItem(self.endGripItem) self.endGripItem = None self.addGrabber() if self.endGripItem: self.addGrabber() def updatePath(self): """ update path when svg item moves """ #Adjusting line for repositioned retangular grips if self.startGripItem.parentItem().__class__.__name__ in list(rLGPlus.keys()): for tgrip in rLGPlus[self.startGripItem.parentItem().__class__.__name__]: if(float(tgrip[3]) == 0): if self.startGripItem.m_location == tgrip[0]: tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.startPoint.setX(self.startPoint.x()+tempx) self.startPoint.setY(self.startPoint.y()+tempy) else: if self.startGripItem.m_location == tgrip[0] and self.startGripItem.size == float(tgrip[3]): tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.startPoint.setX(self.startPoint.x()+tempx) self.startPoint.setY(self.startPoint.y()+tempy) if self.endGripItem.parentItem().__class__.__name__ in list(rLGPlus.keys()): for tgrip in rLGPlus[self.endGripItem.parentItem().__class__.__name__]: if(float(tgrip[3]) == 0): if self.endGripItem.m_location == tgrip[0]: tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.endPoint.setX(self.endPoint.x()+tempx) self.endPoint.setY(self.endPoint.y()+tempy) else: if self.endGripItem.m_location == tgrip[0] and self.endGripItems.size == float(tgrip[3]): tempx,tempy = int(tgrip[1]),int(tgrip[2]) self.endPoint.setX(self.endPoint.x()+tempx) self.endPoint.setY(self.endPoint.y()+tempy) path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint) self.updatePoints() for i in range(1, len(self.points) - 1): path.lineTo(self.points[i]) path.lineTo(self.endPoint) self.setPath(path) # update grabber of line self.updateGrabber() # update labels connected to line for label in self.label: label.updateLabel() # update line have end point on this line self.updateMidLines() def updatePoints(self): """ updates points of line when grabber is moved :return: """ if self.startGripItem: self.points[0] = self.startPoint point = self.points[1] if self.startGripItem.m_location in ["left", "right"]: self.points[1] = QPointF(point.x(), self.startPoint.y()) else: self.points[1] = QPointF(self.startPoint.x(), point.y()) if self.endGripItem: self.points[len(self.points) - 1] = self.endPoint point = self.points[len(self.points) - 2] if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["left", "right"]: self.points[len(self.points) - 2] = QPointF(point.x(), self.endPoint.y()) else: self.points[len(self.points) - 2] = QPointF(self.endPoint.x(), point.y()) if self.refLine: self.endPoint = self.points[len(self.points) - 1] def shape(self): """generates outline for path """ qp = QPainterPathStroker() qp.setWidth(8) path = qp.createStroke(self.path()) return path def movePoints(self, index, movement): """move points of line """ for i in [index, index + 1]: point = self.points[i] point += movement self.points[i] = point self.updatePath() def addGrabber(self): """adds grabber when line is moved """ for grabber in self.m_grabbers: self.scene().removeItem(grabber) if self.endGripItem: count = range(1, len(self.points) - 2) else: count = range(1, len(self.points) - 1) for i in count: if self.points[i].x() == self.points[i + 1].x(): direction = Qt.Horizontal else: direction = Qt.Vertical item = Grabber(self, i, direction) item.setParentItem(self) item.setPos(self.pos()) self.m_grabbers.append(item) def updateGrabber(self, index_no_updates=None): """updates all grabber of line when it is moved """ index_no_updates = index_no_updates or [] for grabber in self.m_grabbers: if grabber.m_index in index_no_updates or grabber.isSelected(): continue index = grabber.m_index startPoint = self.points[index] endPoint = self.points[index + 1] pos = (startPoint + endPoint) / 2 grabber.setEnabled(False) grabber.setPos(pos) grabber.setEnabled(True) def itemChange(self, change, value): if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged: # on selection stack above to show curve on it if value == 1: self.showGripItem() items = self.collidingItems(Qt.IntersectsItemShape) for item in items: if type(item) == type(self): item.stackBefore(self) self.scene().update() else: self.hideGripItem() return if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and not self.scene(): # if line is removed from scene for line in self.midLines: # remove lines connected to it if line.scene(): line.scene().removeItem(line) if self.startGripItem and self.startGripItem.lines and not self.startGripItem.tempLine: # remove line reference from grips if self in self.startGripItem.lines: self.startGripItem.lines.remove(self) if self.endGripItem and self.endGripItem.lines: if self in self.endGripItem.lines: self.endGripItem.lines.remove(self) if self.refLine: if self in self.refLine.midLines: self.refLine.midLines.remove(self) return super(Line, self).itemChange(change, value) def updateLine(self, endPoint=None): """This function is used to update connecting line when it add on canvas and when it's grip item moves :return: """ if endPoint: self.endPoint = endPoint self.createPath() self.updateGrabber() return # update start point if self.startGripItem: item = self.startGripItem startPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos()) # center of grip # end grip is rectangle if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]: startPoint.setX(startPoint.x() - self.startGap * item.boundingRect().width()) elif item.size: startPoint.setY( startPoint.y() - self.startGap * item.boundingRect().height()) self.startPoint = startPoint # end point on line if self.endGripItem: item = self.endGripItem endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos()) # center of grip # end grip is rectangle if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]: endPoint.setX( endPoint.x() - self.endGap * item.boundingRect().width()) elif item.size: endPoint.setY( endPoint.y() - self.endGap * item.boundingRect().height()) self.endPoint = endPoint self.updatePath() # end point on other line elif self.refLine: self.updatePath() def updateMidLines(self): """ Updates all lines connecting to it """ for line in self.midLines: points = line.refLine.points point1 = points[line.refIndex] point2 = points[line.refIndex + 1] i = len(line.points) - 1 if point1.x() == point2.x(): line.points[i].setX(point1.x()) if line.points[i].y() < min(point1.y(), point2.y()): line.points[i].setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y())) line.points[i - 1].setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y())) elif line.points[i].y() > max(point1.y(), point2.y()): line.points[i].setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y())) line.points[i - 1].setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y())) elif point1.y() == point2.y(): line.points[i].setY(point1.y()) if line.points[i].x() < min(point1.x(), point2.x()): line.points[i].setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x())) line.points[i - 1].setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x())) elif line.points[i].x() > max(point1.x(), point2.x()): line.points[i].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x())) line.points[i - 1].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x())) line.updatePath() def showGripItem(self): """shows grip items which contains line """ if self.startGripItem: if self.endGripItem: for grabber in self.m_grabbers: def hideGripItem(self): """hides grip items which contains line """ if self.startGripItem: self.startGripItem.hide() if self.endGripItem: self.endGripItem.hide() for grabber in self.m_grabbers: grabber.hide() def setStartGripItem(self, item): self.startGripItem = item def setEndGripItem(self, item): self.endGripItem = item def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Pop up menu :return: """ # create a menu and add action contextMenu = QMenu() addLableAction = contextMenu.addAction("Add Text Label") # add action for text label action = contextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos()) # check for label action and add text label as child if action == addLableAction: label = LineLabel(event.scenePos(), self) self.label.append(label) # text label as child self.scene().labelAdded.emit(label) def __getstate__(self): return { "_classname_": self.__class__.__name__, "startPoint": (self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y()), "endPoint": (self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y()), "points": [(point.x(), point.y()) for point in self.points], "startGripItem": hex(id(self.startGripItem)), "endGripItem": hex(id(self.endGripItem)) if self.endGripItem else 0, "refLine": hex(id(self.refLine)) if self.refLine else 0, "refIndex": self.refIndex, "label": [i for i in self.label], "id": hex(id(self)), "startGap": self.startGap, "endGap": self.endGap } def __setstate__(self, dict): self.points = [QPointF(x, y) for x, y in dict["points"]] self.startPoint = QPointF(*dict['startPoint']) self.endPoint = QPointF(*dict['endPoint']) self.startGap = dict['startGap'] self.endGap = dict['endGap']