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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
index 722b836..bd8273b 100644
--- a/src/main/python/shapes/
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QEvent, QFile, QIODevice, QMimeData, QPointF, QRect,
QRectF, QSizeF, Qt)
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QCursor, QDrag, QFont, QImage,
- QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QTransform)
+ QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QTransform, QTextCursor)
from PyQt5.QtSvg import QGraphicsSvgItem, QSvgRenderer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QGraphicsColorizeEffect, QGraphicsEllipseItem,
QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPathItem,
QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent,
QLineEdit, QMenu, QGraphicsTextItem)
-from .line import Line
-from import fileImporter
+from .line import Line, findIndex
+from import fileImporter
from import fileImporter
@@ -18,11 +18,22 @@ class ItemLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
def __init__(self, pos, parent=None):
- self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction)
self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable |
QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable |
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction)
+ self.setPos(self.parentItem().boundingRect().bottomLeft())
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction)
+ self.setFocus()
+ super(ItemLabel, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event)
+ def focusOutEvent(self, event):
+ super(ItemLabel, self).focusOutEvent(event)
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction)
class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
@@ -184,7 +195,7 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=self.path, parent=parent)
self.m_index = index
self.m_location = location
- self.connectedLines = []
+ self.line = None
# stores current line which is in process
self.tempLine = None
# keep previous hovered item when line drawing in process
@@ -211,8 +222,8 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
- for line in self.connectedLines:
- line.updateLine()
+ if self.line:
+ self.line.updateLine()
def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
"""Handle all mouse press for this item
@@ -220,9 +231,13 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
if mouseEvent.button() != Qt.LeftButton:
# initialize a line and add on scene
- startPoint = endPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos())
- self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint)
- self.scene().addItemPlus(self.tempLine)
+ if self.line and not self.line.scene():
+ self.line = None
+ if not self.line:
+ startPoint = endPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos())
+ self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.tempLine)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
@@ -250,29 +265,36 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
# set final position of line
if self.tempLine:
- item = self.scene().itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(),
- self.transform())
- if type(item) == LineGripItem and item != self:
- self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self)
- self.tempLine.setEndGripItem(item)
- endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
- self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint)
- self.connectedLines.append(self.tempLine)
- item.connectedLines.append(self.tempLine)
+ items = self.scene().items(QPointF(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y()))
+ for item in items:
+ if type(item) == LineGripItem and item != self:
+ if item.line and not item.line.scene():
+ item.line = None
+ if item.line:
+ break
+ self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self)
+ self.tempLine.setEndGripItem(item)
+ endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint)
+ self.line = self.tempLine
+ item.line = self.tempLine
+ break
+ elif type(item) == Line and item != self.tempLine:
+ self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self)
+ endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos()
+ self.tempLine.refLine = item
+ self.tempLine.refIndex = findIndex(item, endPoint)
+ self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint)
+ item.midLines.append(self.tempLine)
+ self.line = self.tempLine
+ break
+ self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine)
+ if self.line:
+ self.scene().addItemPlus(self.line)
- elif self.tempLine and self.scene():
- self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine)
self.tempLine = None
self.previousHoveredItem = None
- def removeConnectedLines(self):
- """removes all connected line to grip"""
- for line in self.connectedLines:
- line.removeFromCanvas()
def show(self):
""" shows line grip item
@@ -316,8 +338,8 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
# grip items connected to this item
self.lineGripItems = []
self.sizeGripItems = []
- self.label =None
+ self.label = None
def boundingRect(self):
"""Overrides QGraphicsSvgItem's boundingRect() virtual public function and
returns a valid bounding