textbook_companion_fixer/.git6 years
thermodyamics-sonntag-borgnakke-wylen/.gitFundamentals of Thermodynamics by Sonntag ,R. E., Borgnakke ,C. and Van Wylen , ...
tuxviewer/.gitA X11 desktop screen sharing tool(paused). Developed by 9 years
website-docs/.git8 years
workshop_booking/.gitWorkshop booking interface in Django.16 months
workshops-more-scipy/.gitRepository containing more of SciPy than in our standard workshop14 years
workshops/.gitMaterial for the Python for Scientific Computing workshops8 years
xcos-on-web/.git6 years
xcos_converter/.gitMaking a xcos converter so that we can open 5.5.2 xcos files in 6.04 years
xcos_on_cloud/.gitImplementing the functionality of Scilab's( v5.5.2 ) xcos simulator though Web 6 months